need help in the hampton/allison park area

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me out…a friend and neighbor lost thier house in the storm last night to lightning. They were in the process of selling and had no insurance on the house. they lost EVERYTHING even their cats, and the bunny has yet to be found… Anyways, My boss and I are trying to help this family out as much as possible! We are looking to find someone that would donate a dumpster. I called Vogel trash service and they are getting back to me, but if there is anyone that knows someone that would be willing to help out I would greatly appreciate it!!!

Thank you much!

I saw her on the news yesterday, that is terrible, and wish them the best. Give Castriota Metal Recycling a call…they should be able to accomodate

good call!!! they said yes! thank you soooooooooooooooooo much!

Best of luck to them with everything. Sorry to hear about their loss.

yeah, its a really sad situation. their son is in 10th grade. the house was up for sale because they wanted to get away from the people that constantly pick on their son…My boss said friday all the boy did was cry about how all the bad things keep happening to him. I felt horrible! I think I’m gonna try to put a fund together at the car show and try to help them out any way I can. If anyone has anything they wouldnt mind giving up, like clothes that dont fit anymore…or a place they can stay for cheap bc red cross is only paying for their hotel room til monday. I think the local churches are collecting things also. Ill keep you informed. Thanks for all your support!

I used to live in Hampton, and i can understand why they wanted to leave. I was happy to escape from there myself.
Why don’t you post their clothing sizes and needs, as well as anything else they might need right away? I am sure i could find things to donate, as i am sure others here could also.

Agreed. I would be willing to send anything they need that I may not need from SC. Just let us know sizes and stuff.

you guys are the best! Ill do so asap. thanks again!