Need help(speeding ticket)

i got a 32mph over the limit with 10 points on my liscense about two years ago. got a lawyer. off with 100 parking ticket, no points, no school.

i got pulled over on my bike last year and got charged 5 tickets. no motorcycle liscense, permit expired, no proof of reg, no proof of insurance, and 14mph over. Got my lawyer, off with a 50 dollar parking ticket.

just recently before i sold the jetta, there was a mishap at the dmv and somehow placed my ford taurus VIN on my jetta reg sticker (i guess somewhat my fault too for not checking the sticker) but i got my lawyer and the head of the albany dmv involved. I was facing 6 charges. speeding 15 over, two tint tickets, switched plates, wrong reg, and a felony charge of forgery of VIN numbers. Impounded the car and spent the better half of the night in the OPPD holding center. Got the same lawyer back again and got all the charges dropped except for the speeding and tint, which will be dropped i just have to go to court for them next week, with my lawyer.

the moral of the story is this. if i didnt have a lawyer present with me and handling my case for me, three times in the last two years i would have lost my liscense three times over again. Even with the last one not being my fault (cept speeding and tint) and if i tried to go into court by myself to fight it, with all my paperwork and evidence showing the dmv was at fault, i would still got stuck with these false charges. plain and simple. best advice as many other have said, get a good lawyer and you’ll be able to sleep peacefully about it. Take it from someone who’s been there enough times already.

Best of luck