Need help with headers

I bolted on my header but the oxygen sensore dont connect, the factory hook up only has a white wire, and on the header it has 3 green, white, and black


umm switch out the o2 sensors.

why not just extend the factory wiring and use the factory oxygen sensor?

could i just splice the wires

moved to tech

Never cut an O2 sensor wire unless you absolutely have to. Once it’s cut and resoldered, you are tampering with the wire resistance and thus it will not read as accurately as it did prior.



what kind of solder are YOU using?

If solder added enough resistance to make a difference… why are ALL PCB’s wave soldered??

? Ive never had a problem before.

There is a difference between using a soldering gun yourself and PCB manufacturing which has greater accuracy being computer operated.

No shit, thank You captain DSM.

You sincerely think that a solder joint adds resistance?

You are alot dumber then I thought… :wink:

Woah, be nice now.

I sincerely think you need a cup of decafe.

We can argue all day along about voltage and resistance, but when it comes down to it, ask any automotive professional, it’s better to keep the O2 sensor intact than cutting it and splicing/soldering back together.

i used to be an automotive professional. :uhh: good thing I’m not anymore eh?

alright alright.

agree to disagree.


just trace the harness and try to re-route it differntly to make it reach, thats what i did on my focus. usually you can get enough relief that way

THIS IS 100% correct, Oxygen sensors are calibrated. Also have you ever tried to solder stainless steel wire??

make an extension with spare wire and clips from an old harness and dead o2

Now I want to go pick up some wire and test this out…