need help with wireless xbox 360 hook up

got a new computer, and finally got the wireless 360 attachment, also got a netgear wireless router, it is an n-line, not sure which one. i was told n is strongest, can work through whole houses, well, mine is upstairs on my computer desk, and my 360 is downstairs(total of 12 steps) , and it wont connect to xbox live, it says connection not found. i installed the disk, and it is working, because my computer is running through it.

so did i do something wrong? i really dont want to have a wire run down my steps, looks like ass imo

can you see the wireless network on your xbox?

nope, when i go to check settings, the 1st line is fine, it stops at the 2nd line.

Can you log into your router config and see the wireless device in the ARP table or under connections?

Does the XBox pull an IP address from the router? If so, you can go into your router settings and put the IP address into the DMZ and it will bypass all firewall functions and will help out.

This might be slightly off topic but hopefully relivent.

I had so much trouble with a NetGear router when I switched from Verizon DSL to Comcast Cable internet. MY laptops, desktops and PS3 would show the connections. They would sometimes connect, other times not even show the connections, if they did connect they would randomly drop the connection and on top of it all the connections, when actually connected, was slow and weak.

After about 3 weeks I had enough. I bought a Linksys WRT160N router. It was the most expensive one that Best Buy had at the time, 120 dollars or in that area. I have not had a single problem with it from the day I got it which was about 10 months ago. It was easy to setup, the signal strength is good throughout the house, the connections are as stable as can be.

The other thing I did was move the router and modem to my living room. I did that so I could hard wire my PS3 for a faster connection.

I’ve been having the same problem with the verizon fios router. It is in fact garbage. Rebuilt 2 test machines, one vista, one xp, both still having the same problem. I’ve been looking at firmware alternatives or bypassing the local wap altogether, like you did.

There’s no hard evidence in the logs that I could argue with Verizon but it in positively drops the wireless network at random for extended periods of time and in no particular pattern. I’ve only seen this type of problem on Linksys WRT54G/AG’s where the wireless stops working altogether. Never had a problem with the Netgear’s.

I’ve went threw 2 of the fios routers, both literally caught on fire on me so watch out. Then i upgraded to Linksys router and havnt had any problems since.

I have had issues with Linksys, Netgear and D-Link routers… but they were all the $40 best buy specials, you get what you pay for.

Mine did the same thing. I know this is not very helpful because I do not remember the exact solution and I am not at home to look at it, but I remember I went to the XBox website for help. I remember I had to leave the live configuration and change something in the xbox settings. Possibly under set-up. Hope this help a little