I cant connect for my life. my router will not pick up that xbox is connected and gives me a random different error every time i trouble shoot the thing. everythings connected as it was when i had live 2 years ago i have no clue whats wrong. i have verizon online dsl and my router/modem is the westell versalink model 327w. if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated before i tear out the remaining hair in my head

Again, what IP is you Xbox getting.

If you are using a router, it probably is a 192.168.x.x number by default depending on the router. So check and see what number you are getting and post it up.

its all zeros. idk why its friggin nuts im getting so aggrivated with the phone calls to xbox every 10 minutes

Power off modem, power off router, power off xbox. Turn on modem, wait 10 seconds turn on router, 10 more seconds turn on xbox> Then see what IP. If its still try a different ethernet cable.

ok, but my router and modem are the same thing. im not sure if thats the problem or not. ill try a different cable but can i manually put in the right IP number?

Also if that doesnt work, see if bypassing the router and connecting it directly will give an IP. If no, see if you get an IP when connecting to a PC, if you get an IP from the modem with the PC and not Xbox you’ve narrowed the problem down to you Xbox’s NIC.

Ok since they are the same combo box. Power off the modem/xbox. Power up the modem, connect the xbox. Still no IP try a diff cable. Still no IP try to connect the same cable to a computer, if the computer works, problem is the xbox.

If the computer & xbox both don’t get an IP address, then your problem lies within you ISP and contact them. Aka sadly if you were a TWC customer it would be me and fuzzbuster haha (well not quite.)

where do i directly connect it to if i dont plug in the ethernet to the router? because from what verizon told me the router and the modem are the same thing

Yeah I googled it, it is the same thing. Directly connect the modem/router box as you normally wood after you pull the power.

ok ill try another cable. ive got 3 so at least one should work outta the 3…i hope. lol so would dust in either the router or the xbox do anything cause i can try blowing in the ethernet connections to see if any debris comes out

Eh maybe a little alcohol on a qtip to clean the contact points, but other than that they should be fine.

ok ill try the other ethernet cable i have and see how it goes.

And back to work, good luck. Im sure you will have it figured out by the time I’m done with work.

lets hope so since i couldnt last night or most of today.

thank you for your time and help.

its telling me that the DNS can not be retrieved now.

ms had issues with certain routers with live, might wanna check out the ms support page for live and see if your router is listed.

its not listed under either supported or not

yeah so i called xbox like 40 times and they ended up telling me theres something wrong with my xbox all of a sudden? idk but they said its 80 bucks to fix it. fuck that. im just gonna save for a 360 i guess. im not gonna waste my money on another original xbox when id have to buy xbox live again.

this is the gayest problem ever

I agree, time to upgrade to the 360 :slight_smile:

lol 360 soon to come for sure. but the problem was with the ethernet cable.