xbox 360.

hey who wants to come over someday and get my xbox live working and get my competer to work correctlly with the 360

what an enticing offer~! ill be right over!!

do you have a media center?

whats the error it gives you/problem? Just wont connect?

I’m always down for some Halo 2… :slight_smile:

i cant connect to xbox live and i do have media center and cant get my songs to come up under the audio under the recular media part

It sat connection not available everything is hooked up just dont know what to do next

i called 18004myxbox and they just walked my step by step through i had the same problem. i dont rember what it was though something really stupid

for what the xbox live?

everything i need it for the connection issue and the media

What Ip is it pulling?

fixed. i had to add a scope for the computer to ream my files.

And i had to change the ip address for the router thingy.

for the help peoples.

did you call xbox for that?