xbox 360 help

i have a new 360 elite now. well not brand new, used. but it wont let me connect to xbox live. says it has a different IP adress, what do i have to do to put mine in, how do i find my IP adress?

How do you have the Xbox hooked up? Through your router? What exactly is the error message?

have a ether net cable going from my modem to my xbox

what i think is my ip address is not matching up to the one in the xbox i have now. it did this too with adam and laura’s xbox also when they brought it over

Do you know if your modem is set up for DHCP? In other words, providing an IP address to devices that connect to it? When you set up your computer when you got broadband, did you have to give your computer a static address? If that’s the case, you’ll need to set that address to your Xbox aswell, which I am unsure of how to do. Or you can go buy yourself a router, give it the static address and have the router act as DHCP and provide your computer and Xbox and whatever else you might hook up to it with IP addresses.

probably just have to restart the modem to see the new mac address of the nic in the xbox and everything will be fine.

I have to restart my modem when I change a router or connect a computer directly up to the modem.

yea I have the unplug my modem for about 20 seconds then replug it in when I connect my ps2 to the net so it can reset

fuck idk im scared to unplug my modem, last time i did it, i needed a new one, mines a comcast one, that has our telephone lines go threw it to, and on the power wire, it says to not unplug

I know exactly the modem you are talking about. Unplugging it, waiting 30 seconds and plugging it back in will not damage it, however since you use Comcast’s VOIP, that modem has a battery back up and won’t properly reset by just unplugging it and plugging it back in. You can either take out the battery as well and then hard-reset it, or call up Comcast anytime you switch devices on the modem. Your best bet is to buy yourself a router and only go through this once…

I have the same thing you have and do not have a problem when resetting mine. Hit the little reset button on the back of it.

its back!!! but i accidently deleted my hard drive, wtf oh well haha

lol…dumb ass

like everyone said restart the modem, comcastic isn’t so great with their modems, hot plugging hardly works without reboot…

fuck you, ill kill ya on COD2