He isn’t going to break an ezout big enough to fit in there.
i have never had an easy out work well before…
welding something to it might be your best bet…
Remove both hand grips, place the left side of the handle bar in a vice & slowly hacksaw the striped bolt off:
I ran into pretty much the same problem with a coilover allen head (which is recessed into the collar like a motherfucker). I thought long and hard about it and thought about how much work I wanted to put into a $30 part. I ended up drilling it out completely and retapping for a slightly larger thread size.
I think we’ve covered all the options, I’ll try em out when I have time.
The wrench was the right size and the bolt is way tighter than it should be. Its sitting in some pb blaster now.
I just snapped a big ole ez-out the other day. I gave up and bought a new part. Not worth fucking with after a while.
pm mindless… he works at a bike place
have you tried beer?