need job STILL

ya it would, but where would one get crack at cheap enough prices to make profits from lol


And some how I still manage to be successful :slight_smile:

Don’t worry the world will always need people to serve food at fast food restaurants.

your also 24 compared to my 17 you have 7 years on me, i can almost guarentee by that age ill be more successful then you as im already accepted into uti for after i graduate

please think of some other word than “restaurant” to describe the places you’re referring to…because they are not by any means restaurants…more like, diabetes dealerships…


OMG UTI?!?!?

Do you realize UTI accepts anyone?

Gluttony establishments perhaps?

yes, im just saying im already registered there for when i graduate

LOL this thread is funny. crack=profit… as to where to get the crack…

I’ll have to do some research when in Niagara Falls tonight.

ill get back to you tomorrow.

Try selling crack

im fuckin lmao

IT > oil changes

well if he fortunately didnt attend st. joseph’s collegiate institue, he doesnt need a job, hes already has 40 more grand than my parents do

ahh highschool, the only thing in life that matters


Maybe he can change oil for the #1 sports franchise in the US?

uti is a scam school. go pay 18,000 a semester for the same education you can get at ecc. literally any person can goto that school retard

the commercials look really nice

maybe they have an elective in checking fluids on a zamboni

although in this case i can sort of relate. particularly if you’re under 18, places want experience to hire you and you can’t get said experience unless you get hired.

I think they have a cream for that now. Just go to ECC and get the same education for half the price.

smoke and mirrors.

His safety school: