Need opinions??

:sadwavey: Well to make a long story short my engine caught on fire the other day. I’ve no clue y but i was just driving,saw smoke then i popped the hood and it was on fire. After getting it put out i saw that the fuel line was leaking fuel so i’m assuming thats how the fire started. Now i spoke to my insurance company(progressive) and i’ve fire coverage under my plan. The agent told me to take it somewhere and get an estimate and then they would come out and look at it. From what i can see it looks to be repairable(some wires,etc and whatever else got damaged). My main question is though is where is good place to take it?? i’ve been told take it to chrysler and i’ve been told other things. I really dont like the idea of the dealer cause i’ve had such bad luck with things with them in the past. Any help would be great. Just for those who dont know my cars a 97 avenger.

Get a quote from a dealer ($$$) then take it somewhere cheaper and use some extra money to get some go fast goodies. :slight_smile:

or take it back to the dealer and have the work done right. I don’t deal with Dodge’s but there has to be a good dealer around somewhere.

wright dodge :smiley:

what about varracoli’s (sp?) in north versailles? that’s pretty close to forrest hills and they seem to do good work.

Yea redneck that sounds like a good idea and i could benefit from some other I thought varracolis only did bodywork??

i have no idea to be honest with you… i just assumed a car that caught on fire might need some paint or bodywork. my bad. good luck.

Yea the body is fine. Just the engine area is harmed and thanks.

I would get a quote from a dealership and then take it to someone that does dealership work without the dealership price.



Insurance company totalled it:sadwavey::sadwavey:

how much are you getting for it and what are you buying next?

buy it back

doubt its really worth it?

Sorry to hear about your car, put the cash into something worth investing like your H. :smiley:

why aint it,if its done like he wants it,could probaly fix it for4 less than a grand

wow lol

you may be right…what do insurance companies use for sell back value?


how much is a few misc parts and a new wiring harness from painless? As long as nothing major is melted you could probably get the insurance money, buy it back, fix it, and still have some money left over for either more goodies for the car or something else.

good luck

added IT,forgot it! 10 or 15% of book vaule

From what the adjuster said the one harness is like $800:eek: and the dealer doesnt sell them, which means they would’ve to find one used plus there were several other melted things so for how much the vehicles worth to how much it would cost to fix plus labor its easier for them to total it i guess. I’m going to take some things off of the car on monday(wheels and a couple of other things). I’m not sure about buying the car back and i’m not sure how much they would want. I mean i could find a used engine complete at a yard for pretty cheap but i dunno. The blue book value of the car is around $3500 which is not that much. I’ll probaly just save whatever i get from insurance and buy something new around next spring,summer.

Junk yard parts FTW!!

Yea i thought about that also. But maybe it was a sign or something cause there were other things that were starting to go wrong with the car. Jerky tranny, i had a balljoint falloff last summer which was a nightmare which was due to a recall situation.There were other small things also but through those problems i still liked the car and had fun with it. Oh well i guess its just a car and i’ll get another one soon. Thanks for all of your inputs though.