Need some advise on HDMI cables.

I want to get rid of my cable box and run it on the other side of my room in the cabinet. I will need to run the HDMI cable down the wall to the basement and back up through the floor to the box on the other side of the room. Is this cable good enough to use? I am using the shit cables that came with the box now so it has to be an upgrade correct?

I will also be using a IR Repeater or myabe just the reciever piece that plugs into the back of the TW box. Will that work or do I need to buy the whole setup for the IR repeater?

5ft less, not sure if that matters. I’ve never seen Tin-plated cables. Usually with cables you don’t need a $500 cable but you also don’t want to get one outta the bargain bin.

LOL! Did you read the reviews on it?? Apparently it works good but smells funny!!

Personally, I’d stick with gold plated connectors. Easy enough to find. Length doesn’t seem to be much of an issue either.

Originally I heard that anything over 25 feet your suppose to use component but everyone that I have talked to that has run HDMi over that distance hasn’t noticed any negative results from doing so.

I think the cable in the OP’s link will work just fine. As far as the IR repeater goes, I don’t know. I’ll find out tomorrow and report back if it hasn’t been answered by then.

Not sure about those particular cables that you are looking at but I have recently purchased all my HDMI cables from They are the cheapest and the USPS shipping is inexpensive fast and reliable. I absolutly recommend them. For what it is worth though, I have never purchased a cable from them that was over $10.

That cable will be fine…

No cables are truly gold plated… pure gold is too soft and scratches off connections after 2-3 cycles… most cable companies use a gold cadmium plating, which has the same resistance properties of copper… but looks nicer and doesnt corrode…

That being said, that cable will be fine… HDMI is a digital transmission and as long as all the 1/0’s make it from 1 end to the other, the picture will be 100% identical… no ifs/ands or butts about it…

for runs >50 feet, generally you need a HDMI signal repeater, but in practice i have done 100 foot runs and see no ill effects on picture quality or dropped pixels… that is dependant on the quality of your source/reciever

but dont really worry about buying CL2 rated cable for what your doing… HDMI doesnt carry enough power to cause an issue in in wall installations… and the CL2 certification is only around to cover installers under their insurance umbrella

I didn’t even know what CL2 rated meant but thanks. Its the cheapest I found that’s why I went with it. Thanks for the info.

Do you know anything about IR repeaters?

Don’t have time for a long post, but +1 to viper. In general, the only value added to most home A/V cables beyond the cheapest you can find is marketing.

Even with gold plated cables, ummm, the benefit is you avoid corrosion but unless you live in a sewer most homes aren’t exactly corrosive environments.

Pretend you’re a project engineer. If you can’t quantifiably justify the expensive cables to your boss they’re probably not necessary for your project.

Sweet, thanks. Lets move on to IR repeaters. Do I need a whole system or can I get just the receiver and plug it in the back of my TW box?

That little hole at the top just a little to the right of the middle says IR, I am assuming it for infrared red.

pic suxs I know.

Hmmmmmm, did find this though.

Anyone know if these are available though TW?

IR is usually for a infared remote control extender.

I used to have an RCA one, we could control the box from another room. I don’t remember mine having a little plug like that on it, but they may have changed.

In my experience (with instrument cables) the more expensive Monster cables are a lot better than the cables that are 1/4 or even 1/2 the price. Better constructed, lifetime warranty, less interference, overall better sound. I can’t speak for their home audio equipment but they do make quality products.

If you have a nice TV (42" +, 1080P, 120hz), I wouldn’t go cheap on a HDMI cable that is going to be over 15’. Below is a link to a study I found from a credible home theater website.

It’s been proven over and over and over and discussed over and over and over again how Monster’s are no where near what they are worth and you are paying for the name and illusion of better performance.

That being said.

I got my HDMI cables from partsexpress; their Dayton cables. I think I spent like $25 for a 10m cable.

I currently have a 30ft HDMI cable running from my HD-DVR to my 46" in my Master Bedroom. It works flawlessly and does 1080P. Also it is a cheap eBay cable, was about $30. What you wanna do will work fine. has a bunch of resonably priced stuff.

At 50’ it’s not as easy a decision as picking up any cheap cable like people are suggesting. Don’t believe it, you should see my neighbor’s 50" plasma that Stereo Advantage installed. They ran a HDMI 50’ through his walls and the set looks like garbage. Lots of pixel drop on fast action scenes that goes away as soon as he runs a shorter HDMI across the floor straight to the set.

Was the Stereo advantage cable a $500 cable?

Some manufactures do a better job than others.
Not all wires/cables are equal.

With really long runs, you need to think about how the sheilds are terminated.

For long HDMI runs, you can actually buy wall plates that will drop the HDMI to Ethernet, then swap it back on the other end.

HDMI is not designed for long runs unfortunately.


then his source is very poor…

If he got an HDMI repeater/amp and put it between the source/TV he would alleviate the problems… Garunteed…

A lot of sat boxes/lower priced HT recievers and DVD players have low power HDMI connections that cant put out enough juice to make a 50’ run…

a 500 dollar cable wont solve that issue

^ That cable was the one place he went cheap. Last I heard he was getting something more expensive to replace it at Stereo Advantage’s suggestion. The receiver is Directv’s HD DVR, going through a pretty high end home theater receiver with HDMI switching.

id put 100 bux down that it makes NO differance in a side by side run…

now that being said, his current cable may be running near electrical that is causing it to go nuts… but if you coiled both 50’ cables next to eachother in the middle of the room and ran them to the TV BOTH would show no differance as long as they are both working properly (ie no bent pins or broken wires)

sometimes when pulling HDMI cables through walls people have the tendency to pull too hard on the ends trying to fish them through holes and they tear the connector inside, but since the outside is rubber, you cant see any diff