Need some advise

Spilled a bottle of red wine on my new car interior. Any recommendation on getting the smell out.? Im using an enzime spray now from work, but im not sure if that will do the trick. Heard vinegar would work also, havent tried that as of yet.


vinegar got the smell out of my car from a rough thanksgiving eve…

It just smells like vinegar for a month

thanks!!, i can live with the vinegar smell, the red wine smell, not so much.

Just out of curiosity…why was there an open bottle of red wine in your car? Get a little antsy on the way home from the liquor store?

hahah i knew that would come up. i left a bottle of homemade wine in there, forgot to take it out, and the heat popped the cork.

I have had a few mishaps with girls introducing wine/other various forms of alcohol to my auto’s carpet over the years. Vinegar did the trick for me as well.

awesome!!, thanks all. Should i clean the seats with it also?, or deep clean them?

It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to rent a steam cleaner to use before/after cleaning with vinegar.

The seats can easily be taken out. Then the covers might be able to be taken off depending on if they use hog rings still or not. At the least take the seats out to wash/dry because they will dry faster out of the car. Also, if possible put a box fan in the car with the doors open to help dry everything out.