Need some DirecTV help...

So I just got my DirecTV HD receiver and I need some help setting it up.

Heres the deal, we have 2 HD DVR receivers and 2 Standard DVR. I am using a dual LNB dish and I bought a splitter from radioshack trying to split the lines for 2 to the HD DVR and one to each of the standard DVR receivers.

Long story short, it’s not working and I’m sure this is pretty common. Who knows what I need or what I need to do to get it to work?

I know a few of the guys do DirecTV installs and I may need some assistance here. Thanks in advance for the help!

You 100% can not split the line. You need to run 2 lined from the box off the dish to each Dvr receiver. That is the only way to do it.

I have read that with a proper splitter, you can run two DVR receivers. How do you have 4 HD DVR receivers in one house? You need to have 2 dishes at that point? That seems kind of silly.

no there is a box off of your dish on the side of the house that has multi ports comming out of it. i think mine has 8/9 of them… that acts as your spliter. so for each line that you need for your box needs to be run sepeate from the DtV box off your dish.

Yeah he’s right. The douche nozzle who hooked my direct up initially only hooked one cable up so we couldn’t record more than one show for like 3 months until they finally figured it out.

Slightly OT:
Did you just sign up and receive everything? Would you pm or post a pic of your box, I’m having soooo many problems with mine and the last tech said it’s because I have an old box. So we called again and customer service says it’s the most recent box.

i might be able to help ya, there should be a model number on your box. and what kinda problems are you having? is it just DVR or HD DVR… EDIT model # should under the flap for the access card

Model is R22-200. The major problem currently is that our local stations don’t come in. For example when we tune to channel 4 it’s really CNN. The TVGuide says channel 4 is suppose to be say Two and a Half Men, so you record or select to view it and fuckin CNN is on. That’s the problem at the moment, but we’ve recently had repairs for the tvguide being 3 hours off, local channels not even coming in and I think the error message was you haven’t paid for this package or w/e. We’ve had 3 boxes so far. They say to reset the box and it does usually work but it take 15-20min to reset so we miss the show we sit down to watch. I missed that holiday episode of Wipeout!!! haha, but it really is frustrating when you pay all that money and the fucker doesn’t work.

Edit: I don’t have HD, so it’s just the regular dvr box.

I’ll have to check the dish, what I am doing isn’t exactly what DirecTV would want me doing. I’m splitting this with my brother and we live in the same apartment building. I thought someone on here did installs for them anyways?

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

I’ll try to get one later. I got one for Christmas, but it almost looks used. The receiver was all scratched up right out the box and def looks used.

I’d probably edit that, seeing as your name is in your signature and there are customer service reps on here.

and locals i know the dish has to be level cause we had the same issue with not getting them at my house.

you deff have the new box, i have a R22-100 and love the thing never had a problem. like pirate said your local chanels can be bc of your dish position. also do you make sure to shut your dish down at night. i was told that it will not do updates or anything if always left on. And Rob if you need a hand figuring out what is what let me know, i remember seeing somewhere your in my neiborhood now. i could stop by… Pmed ya my #

Dish has been checked everytime they come out, besides it being in the shittiest place on my house you could put a dish they all said it’s fine. Thanks for the link, we’ve had to watch a lot of shows online because the dvr was screwed up. I miss a lot of two and a half men and the lady misses her desperate housewives.

edit, both the tv and box are shut off when we’re not watching them. The remote is programmed to turn both off and on at the same time.

I don’t live in the city anymore. I’m living in the southtowns.

damn man you move to much. no more lacawanna? like i was saying though just look for a black or grey box. trace a cable line to it and there should be a few enpty conectors

I do Dish Network and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the DTV guys chime in but to run that many receivers off one dish, you’ll need a multi-switch. It’s the black or gray box that the others have described. I know nothing of their receivers though other than the HD DVR’s do need two sat lines each ran directly from the dish or switch in order to work properly.

I believe the DTV guys on here were or are Justin, somedude, and tour. No idea if they still do it.

I found a friend who does installs and he is going to hook me up with the proper multiswitch. I guess the ones from radioshack don’t work with the new DTV recievers.

Justins out, he is with timewarner now (but still knows his stuff)
Somedude still works for them.

and i have no idea who tour is.
But I think the questions been answered

OT I just had HD service installed this weekend but I cant tell the difference with watching football. everything else looks good. anyway for me to tell for sure that my HD is working? the guy said he set the box up for dup channels but I dont see them.

I just noticed this thread. I work doing DTV for a living. If there is anything that has not been resolved PM me or post in this thread.

to the people that said splitters cannot be used. With the new SWM (single wire multiswitch one line from dish) splitters CAN be used but they have to be DirecTV approved splitters and the reason for this is that they are certified to pass low frequency. The older multiswitch system cannot be split other than using a multiswitch… Just do me a favor and don’t fuck up your shit and lie about it when I get there. If you change something just tell me or the tech that comes out there what the situation is so you don’t waste my time chasing stupid shit you already know about that i’m going to figure out anyway.

to dreid

press menu on the remote
parental/favorites and setup
system setup
guide HD channels

The following options will appear (will vary slightly with model of receiver)

  1. show all channels (this will show the HD and SD channel
  2. hide HD channels (this will hide HD programing in the guide)
  3. hide SD channels (this will hide SD programing in the guide)

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

tour does still work with DTV. I am not sure if he visits NYspeed often though

thanks guy. Ill check that out tonight