Need some help from you guys (theft)

Thats fucked up man,def sounds like they were at fault and were involved somehow if not the whole ordeal. Sue them then burn their building down…

sorry to hear, hopefully he gets everything back (or at least finds out who did it)

i know it sucks to have shit stolen, i had a set of wheels taken out of my garage, granted they were just beretta gtz wheels, but stolen nonetheless.

Or a Sawzall, torch, bolt cutters, grinder with cutting disc…?

What makes you think they took it off as carefully as you put it on? I’m sorry it happened to you, it sucks, and I hate thieves as much as anyone, but it would be pretty stupid for a shop to purposely damage their reputation for some stolen go-fast parts. I mean, how much could they get selling that stuff?

It would make sense if a dumb employee did it, but not anyone who owns/runs the shop, unless they are really freaking stupid.

Good luck, I hope you find out who did it, and I hope they get raped by bubba in prison.

wow man, that sucks big time. I hope they find out who did this.

Had to take it off kinda carefully, all the couplers were still there as well as many of the clamps. A shop with no insurance and very very slow business would do it. It would easily be 1500+ in profit to sell it to some stupid kids. All this for new wheels and now im not even sure that they ordered the wheels.

Oh, if all the clamps were intact, maybe they did. So they just took the piping and IC, but left the couplers and clamps…these people are morons.

I suppose if you dusted them for prints…there’s no for any of those employees to touch your IC stuff…if all they were doing was intalling wheels…you may want to try that.

not having ones shop fully insured is like driving with Safe Auto. your covered but only to a small amount, then your get your pants sued off.

Seriously have them dusted for any prints. They had no business being under your hood, so they should have no reason to have their prints under there.

why would you take and leave your car there overnight for wheels?

dude its not a fucken murder investigation. I know from experience the police really don’t give a shit about stuff like this, they write the reports and let the insurance companies deal with it.

The wheels were supposed to be there monday night…they werent…i dropped it off and went to a friends house…kept calling and asking if they were there…he said not yet…i will call you and let you know. It stayed there because my back tires were rubbing real bad (rx7 wheels dont work with AWD talons, they work w/ all the other dsms), we put it on a lift to see where and how bad…he said i wouldnt recommend driving it like that. (all the letters were rubbed off of the tires…bad shape) So i said ok, well the wheels should be here today anyways so ill just leave it here, call me when it comes in. Never calls…i didnt make it back before he closed, i say…eh they should be in tomorrow and they can do them while im in school. I thought nothing of it as the company I work for has a decent longstanding relationship through business with them. I guess it just teaches you to trust nobody. But while it means that my car for me may be out of comission…it could mean alot worse for them…and ill go after everything i can get out of this