Need some help with choosing tires

First of all I’m going to admit I’m a huge newb when it comes to tires/wheel sizes, etc., so be easy on my choice of words…

I wanna get tires for my 17" rims with a bigger sidewall i guess? The tires I am using now are Kumho 205/40R17’s.

3 questions (well maybe more…)

  1. Will a bigger sidewall improve ride quality? (my car feels like it has no suspension right now, these tires are so damn small)

  2. I’m getting horrible tread wear on the rear tires on the inner sides, the inner sides have no tread and the outer side still has about 50% is this negative camber? I’m guessing because my car is lowered.? I can actually see the wheels stick out a good 1/2-1" from the top if not more. It seems when I have my stock teardrops on there isn’t nearly as much negative camber… Will bigger tires improve this?

  3. Is it ok (in a handling way) to have larger tires on the back and smaller in the front?

Thanks for your help, if you wanna suggest some tires I’m all ears. Price range -no more than 150/ tire if possible.


I am the same as you…im looking to get new ones,i have Kumho too, i have 250 in the front and 255 16 inch…and im thinking of just going 250 all th way around…and plus i want a good hard tire but also one that will be good in the rain too…becasue if its hard is it not bad in the rain? …maybe ive been mis informed…anyways…i cant realyl help you but i need help with tires too…so anyone wanna help me too? …my car is bumpy ride becasue i also have it lowered…and set up so it will slide better…but…it also makes my tires wear out in a certain spot more…i dont think theres anything i can do about that though…is there?


205/40R17 is way too small for 240sx. You should use 225/45R17

thanks, will that stop my horrible tread wear problem?

uhm no, try tire rotation, or it sounds like you need to have the tires remounted thus reversing the inner/outer sides of the tires…

Once you get everything finished with your tire and suspension set up, i’d advise getting the car properly aligned.

This will save your tires treadwear by lightyears, and usually eliminates any steering wheel vibration at speed and so forth.

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thanks, i dont think it has anything to do with tire rotation cuz it does them on both tires on the exact same place.

What is RUCA?

What kinda tires do you guys suggest? Something along the lines of an everyday performance tire…

rear upper control arm.

Anyone have any help for me? :frowning:

for size im assuming you mean width?

my answer is in the quote sorry