need stickers

any shops around albany with a good selectino of moto stickers? Wanna get the new truck tatted up, particulary like a 6" astar asticker and a honda one

just order some online…

Zummie’z (sp?) has them too

dj can help ya out


lol, how many more bikes do i need in my garage to not be a poser?

I want a husqvarna sticker for my car but I cant seem to find them anywhere.

Putting anything Moto related on a car = teh gay

OK sticker boy

I want to rep the chain saws that they sell at Lowe’s

I didn’t say anything about stickers on cars, I said having anything Moto related on cars is gay. I hate when people put Fox or DC or Honda or Yamaha on their fuckin Honda Civic or Nissan Sentra or whatever. If it’s a truck or van that you haul dirtbikes/streetbikes in, fine, but not a car.

Now i’m really going to get one just to annoy you

what if the person has 2 vehicles and decides to put stickers on both of them? is that still gay? cuz i deff have moto stickers on my tundra and vw golf.

when did u get a golf dood

haha you should see it, got it from my buddy at h-d he moved to fl and sold it to me for $360 its pretty sweet.

Stickers are only made when drinking at my house is involved