Need tips on getting rusted bolts off

So I need to replace the VTEC Solenoid on my beater (because driving to DC and back with a 3800RPM rev limiter really sucked), has 3-6x55 bolts holding her on, problem is, they are completely rusted. So much so that they just crumbled and striped as soon as I tried a socket.

I have new bolts, so, I just need to get these out… Space is an issue too, as the solenoid is on the back of the motor, I can reach it from the top and have some room, but not a ton and wouldn’t be able to fit a normal drill/impact back there.

Anyone have any tips/techniques on getting these sons-of-bitches out?


I’d just try to drill them out since they’re already fucked. Go buy some of those weird giant drill bits that electricians use to drill holes in walls they don’t have access to and pray you hit the right spot ;).

Not enough room to get a drill back there, that was my first thought.

If it was just the head that crumbled I’ve had luck with these in the past:

Thanks. This worked great! Borrowed a set from @livin4hockey… Threw some WD40 on them, and they broke lose really easily.

need some videos of VTEC or it didn’t happen!

Thanks man, wouldn’t have worked here though, there’s a heat shield over it so needs a socket with extension to reach the bolts.


HAHA we’ll see about that, she’ll prob blow rust out the tailpipe once I get the solenoid on.

I love how you call that thing a beater…you should come along for my trip to DC next weekend just to see what a true painful driving experience is.

HAHA well it was certainly a beater when I drove it to DC and the passenger side suspension is totally shot, any pothole feels like I’m on a Pogo stick with no spring. Whole car feels like it’s gonna shake apart, forget about upsetting the chassis on a turn doing 70, I just hold on tight and pray.

Socket extractor…ask drvnkd…