Need to borrow a car trailer on tuesday!

Cuz I didn’t know any better, figured the guy knew what the fuck he was doing… he screwed a ball into my trailer and hooked the trailer to my bumper. It pulled the bumper down almost ripping it off, the bumper pushed the quarter panels in, fucked up the undercarriage… it was bad. We only made if from Jacksonville, FL to Columbia, SC got stuck for two days before we could get it fixed and then hit the road again.

They asked me all kinds of questions too, I GOT my truck partially because it was able to tow shit. I wanted to get a snow mobile and a jet ski, can’t do shit with them if I can’t tow them places to ride them though.

I’ll NEVER let anyone do ANYTHING to any of my vehicle’s without me being COMPLETELY involved and knowing for damn sure it’s done the way it’s supposed to be done.