Need to borrow a car trailer on tuesday!

:facepalm @ this thread :lol

GL with findin one Elliot!

Change the title to RENT instead of borrow and u might have better luck…

100 bucks too much for 14 hours?!:Idiots

Edited for my lack of reading.

no but i also would never chaurge as much as you want either. but none of this has anything to do with this thread.

changed it since it is a good suggestion, but i never expected to have someone let me borrow a trailer for free. but i also don’t expect to have to pay 40 bucks more then uhaul just because it’s not a uhaul trailer.

A 1500 dollar trailer is worth a lot more than me to the UHaul company…but that’s just me. My trailer would not go on a 14 hour trip for under 300 bucks.

theres this thing called insurance for a reason. i understand not trusting people, but god damn you take it a tad to far. if you can find somone that would pay a 240 dollar premium to use your trailer, more power to you.

U haul trailers are pretty decent for the money. They re old and look rough and can be a bitch for a low vehicle but they do the job.

They do tow well. Forgot how much the one I used years ago was (a friend payed for it), but for 100 bucks and 14 hours, it’s a no brainer.

i have wood still from when i had my trailer. i think ill be able to get it on a uhaul.

ooo we will get it on there…

shit whats the worse that happens, i have to drive it there :lol

if we must :lol

And THAT’S why he’s no longer employed with U-Haul. :lol

Do I sense a bit of sarcasm? lol