need to find a cdi for that pw80

Pretty sure that’s what the problem is at this point but because i’m not 100% sure i’m a lil reluctant at paying 200 dollars for one (if i can even find it)

guru’s help me out it’s an 83 i think travis said

unless someone knows how to check one of these…i’ll post up a pic

nope cause i wanted it!


21W-85540-20-00 is the original number i found it for 150 but i need to know if there’s a way to test this thing.

alright every part of the ignition system has been replaced, i ran all the checks according to the manual for reistance and voltage, i’m getting voltage off the pickup assembly (whatever you call them on bikes) the cut off switch works, the cdi is brand new, all grounds are where they’re supposed to be on the ignition system and i verified that they work. i’m going to get a new spark plug (if i can find one today) but according to my meter this one is in good shape.

no point in doing that as the manual says to test it without the plug in and i should get an arc but i dont’ so i’m still not getting a spark

i did find this…first look it looks burnt but it’s not it’s a “rotational gouge” if that makes sense…i’m still reading a voltage off of it tho when trying to kick but the book doesn’t mention anything about what’s acceptable

found the problem…it’s the stator coil

that’s why i was getting crazy resistance readings…if you push on it you get the correct reading soon as you let up it drops to 0 (open circuit) i dont’ think there’s any way to fix this without causing more problems