Need your help ASAP!

ok guys i am having my problem with 92 240sx.
The previous owner was having problems with the car, it would only run on two cylinders. So i whent out and bought a ECU for it. Now the car runs on all cylinders. The problem im having right now is that when i try to start it, it turns over. Sometimes it starts, and when it starts it idles rough. When i accelerate it till about 3000 rpms it sounds like crap, big noise coming from intake box. When i let off the gas the revs come flying down, idles rough at 200Rpms and then shuts of. Then it wont start. Only way to start it is give it gas while trying to start it. Also sometime when the car does start and needs to warm up it idles at 1300RPMs till its warm then it idles norman for about 10 minutes then shuts off. Sometimes when im in the car and its idling normal and i put the heater on full blast the idle comes down.

I need a new exhaust and it sounds horrible… Could i have idle problems from lack of back pressure?

Car was sittin for a couple years before i bought it. Is it normal that it runs like that without a tune up?

dont think lack of back press causes no idel, it will cause BAD idel, but wht you are sayin is no idel

check your maf, is it REVERSED as in flow goin the wrong way? happend to me once before…

hows your O2 sensor?

if its been sitting for a couple years ur probably better off to do a tune up…oil change, spark plugs and wires, cap and rotor

as for ur idling problem that may help…check ur mafs and plug for it aswell…make sure that there are no holes in the intake tubing or else that will cause a bad idle too…another good thing, get the computer cleaner from a computer store…it cleans electrical peices. clean every plug…ive heard this can help the known “idle dipping disease” in our cars.

Im sorry it must have been a typo. There is idel because the car i on, But the idle fluxuates from 500 to 1000 rpms. There is a little bit of back pressure, are you saying this could be the problem? How do you know when a o2 sensor is gone? ive checked for a leak in the intake but there is nothing :frowning:

are you on the same tank of gas from 2 years ago?

sounds like a vaccum leak to me

u know what this sounds like, ive read it a few times. Its ur mafs man…change that shit and u will be fine. It has the exact same issues as if u were to run ur car without a MAFS. It will be boggy, maybe it wont start. idles like shit etc…get a new one, or check the connections like i said before…seams like a simple solution

this EXACT same thing happend to me when i had my 94 altima…it was rouch idleing…if was the air flow …so it is your mafs/ and also i am 99% sure this is happening because of dirty injectors

clean your injectors, buy some injector cleaner fluid