Neighborhood watch leader shoots FL teen

So does that happen every time?

If not, how come sometimes people in an identical fight situation will stop and sometimes they wont? Genetics? Upbringing? Choice? Or what you’re telling me is that every fight ends in one person being in the heat of the moment killing the other guy?

You seem to have a good grasp on this heat of the moment and seeing red situations and you clearly understand them, as I do not. Please explain to me what exactly causes those situations to happen and trigger them as they do not happen every time…

It’s not an If-Then statement, don’t try to make it one

What is it then?

You have a firm understanding on this concept and it’s fair to assume you’ve never experienced it as I doubt you’ve killed a person.

For you to talk in such detail and affirmation about an experience that you’ve never experienced I can only assume that you’ve researched the matter in scholarly articles? Otherwise you’d be just talking out of your ass. Any links to the sources so the uneducated like myself can follow your foot paths to understanding this matter without having a first hand experience of killing somebody in a heat of the moment?

I said that in the heat of the moment people go further than they intended to.

If you to suggest that IF a person is in the heat of the moment THEN they will kill someone is asinine.

links? go ahead and goggle it. you’re great with Google as you prove time and time again

Yes you got me once again, I’m the only person on Shift who uses google.

You meddling kids and your Bing search engine always get the best of me.

Typically people don’t kill someone after they knocked them out. Most sane people run away or go get help once the threat has been stopped. They don’t usually kill a man while he’s already unconscious.
Either way, that’s apples to oranges compared to Zimmerman’s case. Trayvon Martin was beating Z’s head into the ground, and Z shot him when he had a chance to stop the threat. He did not stop the threat and then stop it permanently. Z, at the point, made an “in the moment” decision to save his own life. If he knocked Martin out and THEN shot him, that would’ve gotten him convicted because at that point, given what I understand about law and how I was following the actual trial (not the media’s portrayal, but HLN’s minute-by-minute unbiased updates), the jury would’ve found Z guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

There is a huge difference between neutralizing threats and neutralizing THEN killing them.

We left the Zimmerman case in this discussion a long time ago, but I’m glad to see that you realize decisions have been made in that incident on both sides that determined their actions instead of them mindlessly doing things like robots and having no control out their bodies.

That’s what started the whole tangent anyway.

And I’m still looking for a motive for a scared teen to go out of his way to chase down, jump and attempt to kill a neighborhood watchman in his own neighbourhood. This isn’t something that “just happens” there was no “heat of the moment”, there was a fight or flight and he made the choice to not only fight but initialize too. Nobody that follows the case can tell me why.

Keep in mind Zimmerman being proven innocent doesnt mean he didnt do it, just means it couldn’t be proven.

you’re assuming he was a “scared teen”. who the hell said anything about him being scared…

As I remember from the start of the thing he made a call to his gf? talking about the matter.

Unless that was found out to be fabricated or inaccurate during the course since then?

Are you that fucking blind Vlad. You want a motive? You have no fucking understanding of the black community and you never will, especially as you drink your kool-aid. It’s gets fucking old. You using English as a second language better than most do as their first to try to manipulate situations and forward the liberal agenda that I always complain swims in your head. I like you. Alot. Your a fucking idiot tho. Go shit somewhere. Like in a funnel. Then suck on it.

Nothing shows better shows to the other party that you’re clear headed and logical in an argument like talking generics and saying that the other side is “blind” while failing to explain or provide any evidence.


You asked if I want motive, and I rather clearly explained that I do.

You seem to have great understanding of ethnic communities, explain to me the Hispanic community?

And it is “you’re”**

And for the 3205982 time, if you want to talk about me and all of my “agendas”, start another thread this; isn’t about me it’s about the event, which is different from me, a concept you’re not grasping.

I am flattered however.

Nope. I like just firing random missles. Kinda like the rebels fighting with the head fucktards in charge over yonder. I’m not gonna try to teach, or lead, just gonna call a spade a spade , Spade.

Stop being so mad that you have a small Penis. Please.

That was for Trey


Oh. And look up “rhetorical”. Google is your buddy.

Jammer is talking about my penis? I can die happy! :wow

Glad you still like me even though my penis is not up to your par :rofl

Oh. I’m sorry. Guess I musta saw Red. Not sure. I just did it. It just happened. Whoops. My bad. I posted in the heat of the moment. Please forgive my penis comments. I know that crosses the line. I almost don’t even remember saying it.
Hmm. Maybe your right. Freudian slip? Hmmm. Yeah. That’s it.

Don’t shoot!

Too late. Is this a “Stand your ground” site?

Parting shot before I head out…

You Vladamere, have an ability to articulate, to bad so much of your education came from the Internet. It’s not repairable. Sad actually.

Okie. Sleep tight

That’s said, I respect your critical


You’re amazing :crackup


Spell well.

Wait. I take that back. That’s someone else’s critical thinking, you just regurgitate alot of it. :-