Neighborhood watch leader shoots FL teen

Yeah seems like media isn’t letting this one go, this guy is all over the place.

Can’t really blame them, it’s a big story. I wasn’t there, but from what I’ve read, seen/heard on TV the guy was definetly in the wrong and I wouldn’t be surprised if political pressure leads to the guy getting chargered.

Very sad story, the more I read the sadder it gets… Kid calling for help and then gun shots going off means that he was totally helpless.

Guys like the killer is why hippies want our guns taken away , I’m all for thinning the herd but not helpless kids eating skittles.

Oh damn, no kidding.

In the light of Trayvon Martin’s murder at the hands of George Zimmerman, I am interested in the fact that Zimmerman was involved in a domestic abuse incident with his ex-fiancee in 2005. Zimmerman has a violent past, and seemed unstable from other comments and incidents. As part of his neighborhood watch program, he called police at least 46 times since January 1, 2011.

Stupid shit like this that fucks up my gun rights.


As of right now the guy is legally innocent. With that being said, does anyone else find it disturbing that a group of people put 10 grand out for someone to kidnap this guy? All I know is that if I offered a stranger 10 grand to go kidnap someone for me… im sure id be in some sort of trouble over that.

Is $10k worth of benefit cards the same as $10k in cash?

It’s true though. As a 100% safety oriented firearm owner this kind of shit pisses me off to no end, because it will ultimately lead to BS legislation that will limit my(OUR) right to legally carry firearms. More and more judges are becoming more anti-gun every day and it’s becoming ever more difficult for people like myself to obtain a pistol permit, let alone someone like myself who would like ti to NOT have a ten mile list of restrictions attached in the process.

I’m not slating one way or the other who is/was at fault or what caused/necessitated the shooting, but the MEDIA is making a huge stink about this and it’s only going to muddy the waters further.

You’re right.

Being that this happened in Florida, gun control activists will be all over it because Florida is viewed as a less restrictive state with firearms.

We don’t know the whole story but I’d be willing to bet its what the media has portrayed it to be, an innocent kid killed for no reason. Even if the kid started shit it’s doubtful it warranted being handled with a gun.

Evidence is starting to come out confirming Zimmerman’s story that he told the police. That he was attacked from behind when he was returning to his truck, knocked to the ground and than had his head smashed into the pavement by Martin.

IF, major if, his account of the events proves to be true than it looks like he was well in his rights to use his handgun.

Link to said article about the evidence:

Race warz

Even if it comes out that Zimmermans story is true people are still going to want him to be punished.

Want racism to go away? Stop pulling the fucking race card.

Plus rep


LOLOLOLOL rep to both you.

What pisses me off is his ignorant parents on the news talking about how good there kid is and would never cause a problem…yet your son was suspended from school that week because marijuana was found in his book bag…FUCKING REALLY, GET A CLUE FUCKING DUMBASS PARENTS!!!

I watched the interview with their lawyer that ran this morning. Kinda surprised the guy was very poorly spoken. Sounds to me like the douche chased after him and the kid fought back since the guy wasn’t a cop. Just my opinion though.