Nelson Ledges July 3rd.

we are planning a track day for racepa, and the local autox board. anyone on this site is also encouraged to come join us at the newly paved track. hope to see some of you there!

more info can be had here racepa trackday

I was just there for the first time last weekend…great track! It’s so much more fun and interseting to drive on than BeaveRun. It looks like a dump…but with the new pavement, it’s pretty smooth all the way around.

what was your average speed? nelsons is said to be one of the highest average speed tracks in the country. i cant wait to head out. you should try to come with us, we have about 10 or so people already going.

I was running laps somewhere around 1:22-23 which is 88 mph…which isn’t too bad considering I only started track driving last summer. My speeds were as follows:

Turn 3…90-100 mph.
Turn 4…around 60mph in, 80mph out.
Carousel Turns 6-9…85-90 mph.
Back straight (turns 9-11)…125-130 mph.
Kink (turn11)…115-120 mph.
Turn 13…around 50-60mph
By the end of the front straight (before turn 1), I was hitting 105-110.

My friend (also in an e46 M3) who was with me was turning laps in around 1:15 which is a 96mph average speed…he was much faster in several parts…he was hitting 107mph in the carousel and around 140 down the back straight…and 137 mph through the kink…it will take me a while to get where he is…actually I will probably never get there.

It’s a pretty fast track…overall, probably faster than BevaeRun but top speed wise, BeaveRun may be a little faster.

“Mad Kao” in action

Track Map

pretty bad ass… :slight_smile:

anyone coming?

in under 2 minutes hold on

if i have a car setup by then i will go

one week left to make up your mind.