NEO is cool. I am cool. Hence NEO = ME. :shock:

I am the ONE!

Don’t bother. The only way we are going to show NEO we are a respectable club is if we get our act together. This means keeping stupidity off the boards as much as possible, and making an effort to construct coherent posts with proper spelling and punctuation since that is what they like best.

This whole SON vs. Neo is getting ugly. So far I see
bing vs. Alex/Polex/Markatos.

Marc, you are not the One. I confirmed with The Oracle that you are
infact 65,556,343,723,939,348,459,348. :ugh2:

Ok well after reading that thread I can’t help but feel alittle embarressed for the way my members posted. I have no real control of their actions, and some of them are born with flame throwers for arms.

I did find that Bing was rather defensive at times and did abuse his power alittle with altering posts.

The jeers that are on our pages are about minor thing really. Things got really out of hand with Nicks install an I apologize for that, it was really REALLY bad mis-communication. But everything after that is really minor stuff. (We make fun of a Sig, a couple of drift treads)

You guys did take quite a blow when SON went down and you lost alot of your important threads, as well alot of core members. At a time before SON expanded to be a larger club, it used to be like NEO, with tight knit small group of members, with plenty of people with a power house of information and a fairly hardcore section of members.

I remember times I’d come down for a meet, with about 15 or so cars, then afterwards I’d head to Dave and Busters with Phil, Adam and Dave Wheeler for a beer and a lively discussion. Or I’d meet up with Quincy, Mike (bomex), Mike Belluz and enjoy a night out with those guys.

Maybe because I haven’t visited here as much, but I find the club very spaced out and without focus. And it’s to be expected since SON is covering a larger area, but it also makes the sense of community different, and thats probably what Im not used to yet with the new format of things.

And not meaning to sound high and mighty or anything but IQuABoB is right. While we have our fair share of off-topics, we still have a pretty decent amount of relative topics… (hidden under plenty of Off-topic threads…) So looks like we’ll both have our work cut out for us.

I’ll do my best to try and put a muzzle on some of my members, and… well do the above and try and control Bing from abusing his powers :wink:

I think it’s just best just to keep an eye on the threads from now on and
see exactly where it gets outta control.

I’m a board whore (note I didn’t say Post Whore - there’s a difference),
and I’m on here several times a day. I’ve seen way too many threads
get outta line, and had I the power, I woulda stopped them sooner. Hint hint. :lol:

It’s the threads going O/T with someone posting dumb useless sh*t that
starts this whole NEO vs. SON issue…

i did not edit a single post in that thread…

i would just like to reiterate:

i did not edit any posts

i did not delete any posts

and because i did not do any of this, there can be no abuse of power.

although i am sure that the NEO guys think i did.

i did lock the thread and i have now deleted it… but not from memory.

I deleted a few posts and did reword a few phrases.

BTW I thing Gonad should get MOD status.


i was thinking the same thing 2 minutes ago…

I agree, and it has been done.

let us all gather round and celebrate G’s new moderator-ness…

and to cap the occasion, delete your first topic G… hahha

So to put in my two cents, bing is the least likely to edit / delete a post. I find many other mods doing ALOT more then him.

As far as the thing with me and neo before, i was pissed off at the time, but now i look back i could care less, but i did loss a lot of respect for them, i see those certian members as adults acting like children and i feel sorry for them. but as far as i’m concerned nismo can go join in kouki’s line :slight_smile: .

and congrats to gonad! but make sure man, that you aren’t too harsh about which new threads stay and go :wink: .

I’m happy so long as I’m not forced to delete stupid post made by fools. I think most of the NEO guys would get along fine with the core on SON. Lurkers who never come to meets bring down the club sometimes…

^^ I edit quite often and sometime si’ll make a note or PM the user, but for some edits like “fawk” I don’t really care to take the time and explain.
I am also guilty of fixing spelling mistakes, and that’s something I don’t thing needs to be explained/ signed off.


My moderation of the boards has been limited mostly to the locking and
deleting of threads, although the other mods take a more active role than
I do in moderating the boards. I am pretty satisfied with the job they
have done and I haven’t received many complaints. I realize people may
not like having their posts edited, and I usually stick so deleting them
alltogether. Anyways, hopefully Gautam can help out Dre, Bing and Mike.

yes speaking of me, who turned my admin rights off? :frowning:

That would have been me… You are admin at NEO, surely one club is
enough. I have left you in the SON members group given that you have
contributed a great deal to our club. Although there is no longer a need
for you to have admin status. I hope you understand :slight_smile:

no no it’s cool,

you know I only helped setup this board back in the day…
and… and I did run the board for a small time as a president or leader, so you know thats… thats ok

you know maybe some form of notice telling me you were going to toss me out would have been nice, but I guess I dont have much of a say in that anymore

Its not like that, its just that we have a new group of leadership, and I
thought you were busy enough with NEO and such. We still appreciate
what you did for our club, thats why you are given access to the members
section. I hope their are no hard feelings over this. Just as Adam, David
and Phillip have stepped away from leadership, it seems you have done
the same.

Well I wasn’t really busy with NEO, I was busy with school.

Yay… members section… woohoo… better light a candle for this special occasion

no hard feelings, I just like cornering you on this issue (WHAT DID I DO TO YOUUUUUU!?!?!) :shock:

I didn’t really step away, I just wasn’t active, those are 2 completely different things.