Neon Driver Charged - You know him! With Pic

What are you guys arguing about and why? The possibility that the neon driver didn’t see the crash? I still don’t see how any difference in that issue would effect the outcome.

Transit = other drivers AKA morons…

Dunnville = everyone on the same path.

IDK where on transit this was but it gets pretty narrow…

god, I swear that some of you people just like to argue for the sake of arguing.

Its called being a devils advocate and yes… I do it all the time its fun.

Its even better when you end every sentence with “, faggot” they get really pissed off and send you death threat PMs.

I’m gonna do it the rest of the day, faggot.

^Exactly lol

We are discussing the likelihood of this kid not having seen the accident which was obviously in close proximity to him.

Wasn’t it near main? It’s 3 lanes wide there. idk.

I’m bored at work. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother.

waaa waaa waaa “I don’t think he should get anything” waa waa waa.

Know what? No one gives a damn what you think. Bottom line, the courts don’t agree with you so keep this case in the back of your mind when you’re fucking around on public roads.

/participation in this thread, at least until sentencing.

I’m killing time and like pointing out the stupidity of others?



ILC. That pic is fucking up my iPhone like woh

No we don’t.

Im just lost on the fact as some people say meh probation max…
He was already technically on probation TWICE and that hasn’t taught him shit…

You should talk speed racer you drove around how long without a license?

Not while awaiting manslaughter charges due to driving :picard:

And i had a valid GA license:mamoru:

IMO, his real lawyer probably looked at his record, the time frames, his demeanor and figured out that he’s another scott peterson or OJ where he was going to get found guilty of being a scumbag asshole.

Not to be a coldhearted monster or anything, but I’m lookin at the whole story here, from both sides. I think that all the neon driver should be charged with, is a reckess driving or speeding/racing ticket.

Did he ram or bump into the mustang with his own car? nope.
Did he boobytrap the road or something? nope.
Did he physically do anything to cause the mustang to crash? nope.
He was speeding, thats about it. Therefore, a ticket for speeding/racing is the most appropriate punishment.

The Mustang driver agreed to race obviously, not the neon drivers fault that the mustang driver couldnt control/maintain his car.

But we all know that the courts/lawmakers/etc just wanna make an example outta this.

This has all been covered. The mustang driver was an idiot, now he is dead and so is his girlfriend.

Moral of the story: Don’t race mustangs, becuase they tend to crash and suck at life.

Sorrys :frowning: its all i could find… I was trying to find a participation medal. but i couldn’t find one…

edit: FUCK participation ribbon not medal :(… UGH!. I’m angry now I’m gonna go crash into a pole

I guess the point is if he legitimately didn’t notice the mustang getting wrecked, it’s a judgement for his moral character. If he did know the mustang got wrecked and just bailed anyway, it’s a judgement against his moral character. And we don’t persecute guilty men here, just men who are immoral.

what is he going to do… Stop. and say oh hey officer I was racing this guy and he crashed his car… Here is my license look at my past history.