Neon Driver Charged - You know him! With Pic

It’s the good samaritan law!


they were involved, together in an activity which is illegal. Just because the two cars were not tied together, doesn’t mean that they were not both street racing with one another. It was not just “chance” that they both happened to have been driving as fast as possible at the same light at the same time. They both acknowledged the other person wanted to engage in the race. At that point in time, they are both acknowledging that they were going to race, and they both know that is illegal. So when the accident happened, the person driving the neon WAS involved. At that point, it is his responsibility to stop the car, and report the accident to the police.

You’re wrong that it was his responsibility. Why would street racing impart a duty on each individual to be responsible for the safety of the other? If I’m robbing a bank and you happen to be robbing the same bank, if you’re crushed by a safe that you’re trying to carry out and I see it and run, am I responsible for you? Should I have called 911?

Exactly!! So both drivers knew they could crash and die or get hit by lightning. It’s common knowledge.

If anything they should push for leaving the scene and other moving violations if possible.

Everyday I get into my car I put my seat belt on. Why? Because you can die in your car at any moment.


all that I’m going to add.

I personally know the neon driver, and have hung out with him a bunch of times…the night of the race he had no idea the other car EVEN CRASHED, he thought the guy gave up and turned down some other street or into a business/parking lot…thought nothing of it and went home.

He is in fact an idiot at times thought, and was indeed on probation and should not have raced. I am friends with him but still think he should lose his license for a period of time and extra probation…

You are at a party drinking underage.

Someone else at the party is doing drugs.

They OD and die.

Should every single person in the house be charged with their death?

If everyone at the party watched the person convulsing on the floor and just walked out onto the back deck rather than calling 911?


So how did Brian(Twizted) find out it was him and make him confess? I find this hard to believe, and let me tell you why.
Mustang GT’s aren’t going to fall far behind Neons, if they do at all. There is no way the car was out of his sight.

Ok you can stop with the unreasonable comparisons…lol

because actually, the way it went down as far as I knew was Twisted called our friend darryl, whom at that exact moment happened to be hanging out with mejak…brian asked darryl “yo did your buddy with the srt4 race a blue mustang last night?”…darryl said, "actually he’s right here let me ask him…(asks chris, which then replies “yeah why?”)…twisted asks where they were and then shows up and tells them all that the mustang crashed and both occupants were seriously injured, one died… and let chris know the cops were on the way…

they showed up, and asked to see chris’ car, so he let them see it because they were concerned he may have caused the accident, in which case…he did not.

and no offense, but a stage 1 srt-4 is faster than a mustang GT with a novice driver (2nd day in a RWD high power car and 2nd day driving manual trans…his previous vehicle was a BLAZER)

Doesn’t mean that he would be buses in front of him. I don’t know. I still find it hard to believe that he didn’t notice anything. It’s not my place to argue whether or not he is outright lying about that.

Srsly Paulo. Completely agree. If you dont notice someone wrecking directly behind you, you have no business being on the road. It’s pretty easy to notice that the headlights behind you spinning off the road are not in the typical manner that physics dictates when they say, aren’t wrecking into a pole.

matbe he just turned off of transit at a very fast rate of speed… i heard mustangs have incredible handling

Exactly. Especially since they were racing, most people would want to know where that person was in relation to them. If not for anything else, to see how much they won by.

Well, that’s how this whole mess started, remember?

I know If i was a pole I wouldn’t want a mustang to hit me

:tdown: to the mustang driver never thinking about the pole’s feelings


WORD This was my point form day 1!!! A stage 1 neon may pull a gt, a mach1 with a novice driver yea still maybe a little bit.

BUT it was 10-11pm you WOULD see the headlights dissapear or shift way to fast at 100+mph… Hell pedestrians claimed they seen a blue neon and a blue mustang racing at over 100mph so if passer bys can tell they were racing they werent that far apart!

Transit + 100 mph I see myself having some wicked tunnel vision… and just looking ahead of me…

Well that’s a really bad sign, maybe you should hold off on Dunnville events for the safety of other people.

When I race another car, I have to know where they are.

while this should be true, think of all the clueless drivers out there who are oblivious to their surroundings.