Connecting 2 routers together to ‘share’ wireless data is called WDS. Linksys routers with oem firmware DO NOT support this. They expect you to buy their wireless repeaters for $100 that is really similar equipment. With a hacked/modified firmware, they support it just fine though. I use 3 in my home network to spread my signal to my sister and cousins house (they’re next door and across the street from my main router). You don’t really need to go this route.
Running a cable will be the best and cheapest route as mentioned above. It could be the biggest head ache though. 100 foot length limitations mentioned above are quite conservative. You can go a bit over 300 ft if you are not running into alot of interference. If you make your own you will also need the ends/crimper and a wiring chart. If you buy your own pre-terminated cable you will obviously have to account the length correctly and will be harder to run through the walls.
The quickest and easiest route would be the wireless adapter for the Xbox. It will be faster than your DSL unless you have a really poor signal. It would also be a lot more convenient if you ever want to move your Xbox to another room or re-arrange the room it’s in.
The lag will vary from game to game. I have the upgraded DSL package and some games could of had 16 people and run smooth. Other games lagged like crazy with only 2. Its a toss up as to who you are connecting with and the coding of the game. It never bothered me enough to gripe about it tho. Even my sister who connects her Wii through about 8 hops before it hits the internet can go online without noticeable lag.
Awesome! So it sounds like I will just go with the wireless card because it will be simple.
I was thinking that it would be difficult to drop a line because there may be floor supports in the wall that prevent me from just simply dropping the line down the wall, so instead of drilling through stuff and making holes that need to be filled, I will just spend the 100 bucks on the wireless card. THANKS!