Never consider living here....


well, on the walkthrough, the lady OK’d it and I went on my way. A month or so later, I get a call from a collections agency saying that I owed them like 200.00 or something like that for leaving my apartment the way it was.

I called raintree and they pretty much told me “oh well… nothing we can do, already sold it to collections” and sure as shit, the collections agency wasn’t going to listen… so I was forced to pay extra $$$ for no reason or else they were going to fuck my credit up on me. I didn’t get a letter, a bill or even a phone call from raintree regarding the problem in question. Just a supprise phone call while I was at work. :rolljerk:


thats REALLY fucked up.

have you checked your credit report to make sure it’s not on there anyways? they may have said it’s not, but in reality it is.

i’d call stair’s lawyer and go to town, because if it hit your credit report, there are a number of different things you could sue for / get corrected