new 1rwhp mod

the day before i parked my car at work left a window gap and when i got off work i saw something on my passenger seat… so now i have a new mod
+1 HORSEpower to the rear…

FREEBIES ftw!~ ppl better not put cig butts or garbage thru my windows or they DEAD!

+2 if you get a matching one for your rear view mirror

lol i bet u a crack head touched it up and dropped it in ur car :stuck_out_tongue:

No doubt… you got aids now.

but +1 for freebies

  • 1 for freebies thats so sick Lolz

I’m gonna have to argue the case of 1 extra horsepower… cause when you counter in the weight factor you might be gaining 1 hp but adding weight… so it really cancel each other out.

that, and the fact that hanging stuffed toys from your tow hook is probably the gayest thing on the face of the planet.

I would have to agree…

haha nice and nice to see your car finally done! L: D

i found my little monkey on the hood of my car… it just happend like that the rest is history