new addition to the living room

love the Maxell “Blown Away” poster. nice walls too, tv looks sleek against the busier wall finish (only thing I don’t like vs say the Aquos I have is that silver post below it). +1 for wall-mount :smiley:

Running 2.1?

2.0 at the moment with the old Sony reciever.

Currently researching speakers and recievers, I’d like to go 7.1 but with my room layout I need to stay at 5.1 as I dont have a sufficient angle behind the couch for the rears.

nice, Brett :tup:

very nice.

meh. I prefer 2.1 over 5.1, and definitely over 7.1, esp. in any sort of living room setup.

I fucking want that picture above the TV.



meh. I prefer 2.1 over 5.1, and definitely over 7.1, esp. in any sort of living room setup.


are you being sarcastic? Can you tell me the advantage of this?


meh. I prefer 2.1 over 5.1, and definitely over 7.1, esp. in any sort of living room setup.


You mean 2.0?

2 ch pwns all…

Well, that or 2.2 :wink:

Nice addition. Did you pay less than 1600 for it?