New BMW M3

New BMW M3 reviewed by 5th Gear :slight_smile:
I don’t think this car is worth $100,000.

Fixed the link for ya.

I need to get a job like that.

It’s not going to be $100k. The M6 is cheaper than that. Expect aroudn $55-60k.

i stopped liking the m3 when they changed body styles.

i believe its the e46 m3. that car is sex

and if i had to choose, M6 would be higher up on my list than the m3

Mmmm, i’d take an m5 please.

I’d take any M series.

granted, i would take any car, if it were free

with some limitation of course.

id rather purchase the 135i

1 series FTW!

1 Series FTMFW!

E92 M3 > 135i.

As much as I love the 135i, I’d rather have an M badge.

M1? lol

E92 M costs just about double of a 135i, and with the money you save you can make the 135i outperform the m3 in every single category

But still wouldn’t be an M. Still wouldn’t have the same power delivery. Yes, I know the TT on the 3.0 makes a good powerband, but nothing quite sings like an all motor car. Especially one singing to 8k.

Wouldn’t really matter if it’s faster for cheaper, there is always something with a better powerband, but hey if you can faster for cheaper it dosn’t really matter does it if its a bit more peaky.

Overall, yes, it can be faster. But you’ll quickly void the wonderful BMW warranty.
IMO, an all motor powerband like the new M3’s would be AMAZING. It’s almost like comparing my G35 to the LGT. The G had power everywhere. Look at a dyno plot, close your eyes, and put your finger on it, and chances are I had power there lol.

I can sing at 8k wanna see? ;D


nah mang, 12K FTW! :stuck_out_tongue: