New car (big powwaaa Evo)

I’m in no hurry because I’ve got another fast car to drive if need be. Plus, this car needs some attention before I’m comfortable ragging on it too hard. It was not purchased as an investment, but I’m sure that I can enjoy it for awhile, sell it and make money.

When you see it, you’ll shit bricks.

TT big bawlin


nice pick up, figured i woulda seen Rubin in here after 5 pages

Cant wait to see this thing in person

Been cleaning up wiring disasters all day, also installed my wideband

EDIT-ripped it up the road a little bit after wideband install. Holy Mother Of God. Easily the fastest that I’ve ever accelerated on the street (from low speeds anyway)

I’d recommend the fwd conversion, you know… just to be different.

Awesome car man! I’d love to get an evo of ANY year.

your a fail, hes investing money to get a return of “use”, saying “investment” doesnt always imply that your looking for, or expecting, a positive return. protecting the car will only better his chances to get the percentage of his initial investment, reducing the loss. if the loss is justifiable by the amount of enjoyment he got out of it, then thats that. its very rare to invest, use, enjoy, damage, and gain off of a car. expecting that is expecting to win the lotto. the question is what percentage of the loss is justifiable. that determines whether or not its a good investment, which is opinion based anyway. so shut up matthew:haha

Thats funny as I have enjoyed every single one of my cars and always made money off them

as long as the car was fun who gives a shit if it made you money!

I do

ok maybe… but i bought the truck right so it will prolly be the first vehicle to make me money…

nice pickup TT vids soon plz

Re-read what you just wrote, your going off on all sorts of tangents…

Investment= make money

what tge fuck does “fun” have to do with an investment… Nothing.

Thanks again!

Under no circumstances is this car to be referred to as anything other than White Lightning from this point forward.

I approve that statement

Jim P already copyrighted White Lightning I believe…

Copyrights are not legit unless you own the car (assuming that he’s talking about the car he’s trying to get). In that case, White Lightning stays in the TT camp.