new car UPDATED 06/07/10

thanks…I was thinking I wanted to do a different set of wheels… but now I think im just going to keep these and save the money

I would stick with them dude, they look excellent on that car. Better than on your red one, IMO

Damn those wheels set that thing off!

Rims make the car man. Good choice!

Rock on Ray, looks money.

glad i could help influence the decision.

Car looks dope homey!!

Looking great… gonna need a refund on those fish though

Supra newbies,

The proper name for this color is ‘Monkey Shit Brown’.

yup. now post pictures of your baltic and msb car

Jesus christ, how did you know that I had a baltic? Were you on the forums that long ago?

im an “08” registrar, but ive been lurking for many many years

there was no warranty man… sorry!!

Your old car didn’t find it’s way to North Carolina by any chance, did it?

I saw a Supra just like your old red one parked outside of some random house here in Charlotte earlier today. Last I heard, that car was headed to Washington state, so I doubt it’s the same car.

Buyer backed out I believe…As of last friday, I saw it at the lot.

Hey, saw you driving through 'Vliet today. Car looks great, man.


thanks man…i live in watervliet…

Good mother of Christ, this car is gorgeous.

and slow…ask pete :hug

Looks tits!

I have wanted those wheels for my vette for years now! So jealous!