New color: N*gger Brown


What about this is pissing you off so much that you have to go off on everyone that makes a comment on it. Its a LABEL on a piece of furniture. There is no reason for this to get media coverage. People get offended about shit every day, and they get over it. It is sickening how so many people pull the race card, and get their asses kissed because of it. It was a mistake, and she will probably sue because of it. IMO, she deserves NOTHING because of this. Throw the label out and forget about it.


I have not once pulled the race card i have said it was offensive and was in poor taste i have never said the lady should get something for free i never said she should sue or any of the above, that being said i refuse to sit here an let people accuse me of being a pussy hiding behind my race i would be upset if it had any other racial epithet on it, and ill be damned if i get one kid threaten to have his friends slap me around or another kid call me a fuckin retard if people dont like what i have to say that is fine but to respond with no reperations for you or fuck al sharpton or some other ridiculous shit that is completely uninformed or relevant to the discussion. I could care less if the women gets anything i don even care if people choose not to be remotley offended but for people to continually try to justify and accuse a women of being a cheat when she did nothing to any of our knowledge other than buy a sofa, that upsets me i suppose