Wanted some room, a little more grunt under the hood, and to retain the AWD.
2000 Audi A6 4.2 V8
78k miles
auto (only way they came)
Stock-300 hp/295 tq
Silver/ Blk leather
Will receive some 18 or 19" wheels come spring, suspension, and very minor body mods.

:tup: Great car, congrats!
should have stuck with the old blue mk2 jetta lol nice ride bro
Sex. You may get this a lot but why not the 2.7T they come in 6spd as well?
reliability comes into mind
I don’t think he cares to much about that r word. I mean, he bought an Audi.
I shouldn’t shit where I eat though.
I’d rather be driving in class and have to worry about the 4 figure repairs. Then driving a reliable…4 figure car. honda