considering a new car purchase

so i got to drive a audi A6 today at work and it had a 2.7T engine in it. i launched the car and holy shit that hauls ass, i fell in love i’m thinking about picking one up but i ned to do some research first. how reliable are the 2.7 engines? anything i should look for. i would love to get the V8 but thats way out of my price range.


Older S4 has the same engine and less weight.


@ 2.7T being reliable
@ S4 having “less weight”

An S4 is not lighter than an A6??


not gonna get rid of the atx, are you? :ohnoes:

I think it’s like saying the 300lb girl isnt as fat as the 400lb girl…

Ahhh. hahaha

Dude, if that was a manual, which I’m assuming it was, good luck finding one.

Tough to find, but so so sleeper.

Cool cars. Unreliable though.

i was considering this one, but i’m not ready just yet to make a purchase but wher are some good places to reasearch these cars?

oh no i was thinking of a upgrade for the saturn.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Straight to the sig…

Same engine as the B5 S4.

It is a nice daily driver. The one you are looking at has 94k miles on it. Expect to have the turbos looked at and possibly replaced. Check control arms, wheel bearings, timing belt.

If you are not willing to pay more for parts, and have a car with high miles that will require service, then don’t buy one.

I’d look into a GS400 of those years.

rofl I drive a SHO with 216K on it. i replace the tranny once a year and balljoints 2-3 times a year. i prefer high milage cars actually because i’m cheap :slight_smile: most of the parts on this car are discontinued so parts are somewhat pricy.

My dad has the ALLROAD 2.7 turbo and it runs great.
It is very quick considering it weighs 14,000 lbs.
It seems like more than 250hp.


you mean 4000?


hehehehehe 14,000lbs. That thing is a tank.

I was embellishing for effect because everyone says Audis are fat pigs.:biglaugh:

IIRC while doing research the ALLROAD weighs 600lbs more than the S4.

from what i’ve been reading on the A6’s they pretty much just have problems with ABS modules (a lot) and wheel bearings. i havent seen any threads on controllarms, engine and tranny problems so i figure everything else can’t be that bad… damn they better not have tranny problems i just spent 4K on my SHO for one that “should” hold the power.

You’d be wrong though.

You don’t see threads because rebuild instructions are included in the glovebox owners manual.