New drinking game

everytime mccain says hatchet and scalpel earmarks my friend

everytime obama says american people.


i was thinking every time you hear a type of alternative energy, you drink

why does mccain look like a chipmunk with nuts in his cheeks :kekegay:

x2 :rofl:

i’ve turned it off. caddyshack > debate

how about i drink for no reason?

drink for owning porno red gt duh


BBQ over my house saturday night

haloween party in springdale!

Drink to get away from yourself.


Drink every time McCain blinks. When he blinks, he is lying. You will be annihilated in 5 minutes, guaranteed.

he is winking at obama. it’s a conspriacy theory. they both are on the same side and gonna dirty sanchez Bush Jr

matter of fact. drink for 2 hours straight and don’t stop unless Obama is speaking. I mean come on, at least have good representatives/actors for the party who’s policies the American people want to vote for…

Although, I witnessed John Kerry destroy GW in every single presidential debate from the previous election, and look what happened.