New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

IMO, the most dangerous thing that i find is how some people merge in the GTA. I take the 404 everyday from hwy7 to sheppard to get to work, and most of the time through rush hour or just before rush hour. Many times i find myself in the precarious position of being behind someone merging at 70 km/h into the right lane. As there are people travelling 100-120 in the right lane who nearly rear end myself as well as some of these slower drivers.

I personally dont think speeding is the problem. I find the problem to be our license graduation system. I just watched the newest Top Gear and they had a segment covering the Finnish licensing system and you wouldnt believe how much Europeans have to go through just to get a full license. I think the G1-G2-G system is weaksauce and needs to be revised.