not to sure if this was posted here or not yet. but this was in the paper a few days ago.
great article
not to sure if this was posted here or not yet. but this was in the paper a few days ago.
great article
excellent article
^^ agreed
I like it.
its so true.
I argree with him!!!. But we are Canadian’s so we will take it up the assss with no lube!!!. And this is true-
(When ERASE ran out of applicable fines for the 0.12 per cent of trouble on the road, police started hanging out at the racetrack entrances to hassle and fine drivers who were taking it to the track. Yep, the program encouraging you to take it to the track was trying to bust you when you took it to the track.)
I and every modified car got pull over by OPP 5 min to cauga. The word was out what OPP was doing and alot of guys turn back and went street racing!!!
I concur… so true… I say make the driving test for a standard car… forget the automatic… ppl get too relaxed when they don’t have to think about what they are doing… Not hating on the automatics, cause you know I’m gonna hear some flack for me saying that…I own an auto and a standard…
Amazing article… If anyone wants to send Mr Klees a Email as i did please do
^^ Good move Cole
the kids were still charged.
" How about we publish a list of every single person pulled over by this new law? Scared that the public will see more Dodge Caravans than Honda Civics on it?"
sent me a nice e-mail to this twerp.
I have actually taken it up the ass with and without lube and to be honest, it makes no difference.
Comments like that turn my frown upside-down.
Im gonna laugh when Klees Blind Douchebag gets a 50 over ticket, and then someone writes a street racing article about him.
i am not totally on board.
i find that article to be poorly thought out and very subjective at times. Enough so that the writer’s credibility takes a hit.
if you eliminate the last 4-5 paragraphs you improve the quality of the article quite a bit.
His points are valid, and i do enjoy the contrast between this and other articles where key points are left out or are under emphasized.
if it were me i would not have pleaded not guilty and made it well known that the driver was drunk and that there was no racing going on.
You are at fault no matter what when making a left turn, and then being drunk by twice the legal limt…
what the hell kind of lawyer lets his guy hang under those circumstances.
I have a feeling the driver’s parents are total failures at life.
however, if you really want to cry… read this shit:
I’m surprised his dogs weren’t taken to the pound.
Sucks to be that kid. I’m glad my beater has cruise, now it just needs a speedo so I know at what speed the coupe is cruising at… dam hud.
I’m also glad that when I got caught for 151 it was a few weeks before the shit hit the fan for the 50 over stuff.
that is fuuucccking wrong!!! how could you leave someone at the side of the road like that. The cop could have reduce the speed to 150 and give him a ticket for the rador.
WHAT!!! guy lol lol lol, I was drinking while reading your reply and almost killed myself.
it makes perfect sense to run when the cherries light up as far as i am concerned.
look at what happened to that VW guy… fuck that, it does nothing for anyone. A law that does that to people is retarded.