new engine design

ive been following.
check it out


def. different

porsche and subaru been doin that for years

are you fuckin high again???
nobody has done this genius!!!
you type some of the stupidest shit evar!!!

its not a flat 4 or boxter engine

read the shit then post an opinion with some intelligence

i did read the shit in fact i’m the one who posted it on racepa i watched the vids and read the shit i was making a jackassish comment :rolleyes: :greddy:

2 more picture for people that cant read of how this thing works

that your quite good at

sounds like they still have some kinks to work out on the dyno thur.

…and looks like lost of parts that will wear and break for me to fix :rolleyes:

there arnt as many parts a a standard engine, maybe more then a rotary :dunno:

it’s the same principal as that ducati engine i posted with a free floating piston

somehow i doubt ducati engines have these principals
Summaries of CCE advantages are as follows;

approximately one quarter the size and weight of a conventional engine (for similar applications) combined with improved output substantially increases power/weight and torque/weight ratio.

fewer moving and total components. As a result of fewer components, more easily manufactured than conventional engines.

identical cylinder head assembly (“top end”) to conventional engines. Most existing head technology can be either adapted or utilised.

Flexible design - can be four-stroke, two-stroke, petrol, diesel or gas, natural of forced aspiration.

Eliminated irregularly reciprocating components such as connecting rods.

Output shaft can be run in either direction if multilobed cams with symmetrical lobes are employed.

All rotational forces are counteracted via the counter rotating cam – eliminates the need for a heavy flywheel.

Torque and power output can be varied using a fixed capacity and piston stroke.

The CCE can be designed to operate at greatly reduced operating speeds while delivering high torque output.

Substantial reduction in stroke reduces heat loss through cylinder wall.

Extended piston dwell is possible because engine design allows a lower than normal compression ratio to be used reducing power loss from compression cycle.

Maximum mechanical advantage can be applied to output shaft at only 10 degrees ATDC utilising high cylinder pressure early in the stroke, compared to around 60 degrees ATDC for conventional engines.

Lower emissions can be achieved due to increased control over combustion.

Extremely low idle speed due to increase in mechanical efficiency at the top of the stroke.

Little or no bore contact/piston side thrust, which reduces wear on cylinder bore.

Can have different port timing on compression stroke than power stroke allowing better control two-stroke).

Lower centre of gravity.

Due to controlled piston acceleration rates the CCE reduces engine vibration.

A hollow output shaft can be utilised for specialty applications, such as peristaltic pumps

did you look at the ducati motor i posted? stop accusing me of not reseraching

looks amazingly familiar with that free floating piston doesn’t it

just looked at it

no it isnt a free floating design piston

totally different

does this look free floating or fixed to you???

(fixed is the answer)

free floating means the piston is not connected to the crank not that it’s floating in mid air, both the ducati and the engine you posted run roller style bearings over the crank they are not attached directly to the crank.

yes it’s free floating

ill agree they arnt attached to the crank, but the revtech is attached to another part (in this case a shaft between and connected to the pistons)

the ducati is not even a good candidate for copyrite infringment on this design

i never said anything about copyright i said it “LOOKS” like the ducati engine, man you read WAY too into that statment

i dont read well true,
i also dont think a piston on a bearing ,in a cylinder head, thats rotated by a crank,

its the same as,

this model of cog gears , connected to a crank rotating multple pistons connected to a shaft with any configuration of head and stoke design

its very different --to me