New Era Open House and BBQ - Friday, November 9th, 2007


hope to see everyone there tommorrow!

I dont know anybody and I am old… Maybe I will show up. Look for the old dude in the mini. I’ll be the one with the exploding diff from massive one wheel peel burnouts =)

I met a few New Era guys. nawwwsss

Good time! The dyno run was the shit! I’ll let studderin post the vids, I don’t want to spoil it, lol!


big power

Sorry I don’t have a vid, I was driving. Other might have some.

Thanks everyone that came out. It was good to meet some new people, and see some older friends. I hope everyone had a good time overall. I took this pic pretty early, beofore everyone was there.

I can’t belove the go cart didn’t break. The chain got bent up the other day, and lost a link. I made a link form sheet metal and welded it on old pics. lol

next time we use a full bottle.

good time, go cart was a blast, good food, good talking to you guys

I was still soaked from drifting the go kart when I got home at 2ish lol

But yeah I had a good time and I think everyone else did for the most part too.

anyone get any vids?

HAHAAHAHAHA @ dyno’ing the go kart!!! Thats awesome. between my dad’s birthday and the turbo showing up for the omni i had a busy day. Good to see you guys had fun. Thats def american made making more tq than power. :lol:

Great shop guys… best of luck with your builds in the future… the go cart was priceless