New Flywheel Install

Well I found the problem with my car starting and am now needed to have a new flywheel installed. Paying for your services ofcourse looking for somthing close.

Mississauga Area

Please PM me, hoping to get this done very very soon as it is my daily.

no one looking to make some money?

how much money? Do I have to drop the tranny?

uhm, yes the tranny is in the way.

If I have to tell you how to do it would be better off doing it myself…

stop being Jewish and go to a mechanic.

And paying 250-300 dollars no thanks

haha…yes you have to drop the tranny AND take off the clutch. I would be able to do it at my shop, but im in Niagara. PM me.

when you realize you are facing a potential disaster and then accept the fact that you’re going to have to pay a professional to do it for you

give us a call :slight_smile:

Haha or I can do it myself :slight_smile:

i think he was woundering if hte trans has already been removed, there for it would be easy like what 10 bolts or w/e and the clutch lol.
i would help but i have already delt with way to many 240 trans in my time frmo friends to my own.

good luck tho, its really not that hard once you tilt the motor

yes thats what he meant, thanks for clearing that up!! +1