Wait a minute. you pm Chris calling him a cripple and putting his health and life to shame, yet the next PM you turn around and backpedal like a little bitch and say YOU were scared and thats why you carry a bat, and once you noticed he was in a chair you felt bad at the station and felt like a dick. Then why PM him and put his physical condition in his face?
Lets recap, you carry a bat at all times in the car, for instances where you might need to jump out and throw down over a tap in the back bumper that did zero damage? Then cant control yourself because infact YOU WERE DRINKING TOO so you throw the bat at his car? What caused him to slam into you was HIS REACTION TO YOUR POOR DECISION TO THROW A BAT AT HIM AND HAVE YOUR FRIEND KICK THE CAR knowing he was 3 vS 1. Your right you never know who is who or what they will do, thats part of being a grownup driving a car in public. grow the fuck up or get out of the race. You are starting to see you made the inital mistake arnt you? Maybe if you didnt jump the gun and pull a bat he wouldn’t have taken off in defense. You are starting to see you royally fucked up. Kids like you seem to think they are above the law and just because they aren’t 18 they can get away with shit, and since they live at home all is good and they act out like idiots not thinking prior to. This is a big fucking lesson for you kid, you damn well think better next time you need to deal with something like this.