Clever, and I wasn’t even trying to be a dick.
Like I said, lets meet up, face to face. Thank you can judge me after you’ve met me personally. No, I’m not going to fight you, no I’m not going to have anyone fight you, no I don’t wish any harm on you. Like I said… If you’re so close to albany, we might as well get aquainted.
And for whoever on 4chan said they have a buddy at UAlbany - Let me know when you’re in town, I’d like to meet you too… Everyone wants to judge me, yet I’ve judged no one… Lets meet face to face and then you can decide the type of person I am.
And for the record, no one is questioning my story, because a handful of people here heard it at different times and it’s the same story I told the police, my insurance company and everyone else… I have nothing to lie about.
Not trying to be a tough guy here (because I’m not) but if you’re going to judge me, do it to my face. I’ve been nothing but respectful in this thread, even to CJ who clearly disrespected me.