Nope not yet. I have been wanting one for a track car. Trying to find one with a Cosworth motor in it is very hard.
There are a handful of em f/s in the UK with the cosworth 2.3*2.5 under 10,000euro
Always liked that car…
no on that boston car.
Welcome! Moar photos of the porscha plz?
also, MBZ are a BITCH to do stuff to.
Mercedes are not that hard to upgrade. Tons of upgrades available out there people just dont want to spend the money to do it right.
ive always had problems with their audio setups. they either use a single wire for everything or entirely too many. everything there is proprietary and they love integrating stuff into other stuff that doesnt belong in the other stuff. like the hvac controls into the radio panel. so if u yank the radio uve gotta now build a new panel for the hvac buttons or display and stuff. HUGE PITA. if you take a run of the mill E320 theres no mods for it other than like APC’s universal spoilers or light bulbs. unless its an amg, upgrades on their cars are meh, at best. my friend’s on his 2nd benz, i hate his car. we tried to find some light bulbs and theyre like 70 dollars a piece. thats absurd. just that kind of stuff. and they kept telling my friend that he has to buy special kind of tires, special size and all that bullshit and only from the benz dealer. i was like WHAAAAAAAAAAA? dude, theyre jsut tires, match the size to your OEM shit and ur fine.
Welcome, the last pic in your first post looks like its outside the “insane asylum” in galway.
LOL. Thats where alot of issues start is where people who buy a car like this and then try and upgrade the system in it. Its Mercedes not a Honda Civic. It comes with a Bose or Harmon Kardon System. The best money can buy. As far as upgrading Mercedes you can take a run of the mill E320 and very very easily do performance upgrades. I know a guy with a E320 with a Turbo in it. He is pushing about 400BHP from the stock M104 Motor and a no need to change the transmission since it is a 722.6. A widly used transmission in some of the worlds fastest cars. The thing is that its not worth the money putting into a E320 becasue its not considered the performance model. I mean its far from slow. Take my 2002 E320. 0-60 in 6.6 seconds. 145Mph top speed. Not a slow car when you consider it weights like 3,500LBS seats 5 very comfy and gets about 30mpg on the highway. I have recorded 34mpg with it at most. As far as your friend with his light bulbs. He must have the Xeons lights if there $70. But any car with those will cost alot of money doesnt matter if its Mercedes or GMC. As far as the tires thats BS. You can buy any kind of tire for any car. What you need to do is find what is best for the car and conditions. Sounds like he has a lack of knowledge about his car. This will end up costing alot in the future. Need to be educated on what you drive. And dont take any car to a dealer. $tealer$hip
Correct. That is where it is. :excited:excited:excited Love that place man. I took that pic about a week after getting the car.:excited:excited:excited Ever go there?
yea, totally. they tell him all kinds of shit at the dealer and then i tell him, no, its cuz they want ur cash. then he later finds out on his own that i was right, but never admits it. his sounded muddy as hell. i had the premium sound system in my car too. that went right out! hahaha. you should hear it now. :thumbup
Thank you for making my day. That was hilarious.
You were joking right?
Well, hold on. not everyone is an audiophile here. i mean, the HK isnt bad, for OEM. the Bose premium is not bad either. Theres the new Audis with the B&W speakers, which i think sound nicer than HK or Boston, but compared to an SQ built car, theyre muddy as hell. To most of my friends the HK or the Boston will sounds great, because its definitely a step above the normal stuff thats in like a basic Camry or something.
Ok but my argument is that unless you listen to your music in at LEAST .wav, preferably FLAC, you can’t tell the difference between a stock camry system and a Bose system with the same number of speakers!
An MP3 is going to sound the same coming from a Bose as it does coming out of a stock POS system in a Camry. Now if you are listening to FLAC in both systems the Bose will sound a TINGE better.
But to say that Bose and HK are the best money can buy is a joke. A huge joke. Are you are buying there is the name, nothing else.
How is that a joke? Bose is amazing. Harmon Kardon is good also. Sony is great as well. There a great systems that come with the cars with no need to upgrade at all. Like I said its not a Honda Civic so no need to upgrade them.
There is a difference in sound systems. I listen to music everyday and there is a huge difference. Some people just dont know anything else becasue of the cars they buy comming with a regular system in them. Lets play a rap song with a loud base in a Mercedes and then do it to lets say in our Corvette that has just a plane system in it. Huge difference.
Corvette comes with a Bose Premium sound system, as does the Mercedes and again, if you aren’t listening to it in the right format it doesn’t matter.
Edit: Allow me to add on and clarify my point. My original argument was that he said Bose and Harmon Kardon were the best money could buy. ANYONE who has heard music played through a system that is truly the best money can buy would laugh at that statement. Bose and Harmon Kardon are over-rated in terms of what you are getting for your money. Is there a difference between a cavalier sound system and a Bose. Yes. But it is far from being the best, or even a very good system.
I have a Robert Jankel Tempest Corvette and it does not come with a Bose system…So then what is the best sound system then???
what do you do for a living might I ask? How old are you?
I am 21 and work for my parents. They own rental proporty. My dad is a stock broker and my mother owns a hair and tanning salon. I am also in College.
Do you ever wear big shoes and a red nose at the same time??