hey guys, new guy here.
i move not long ago from nyc, my name is roman, i owned a 92 c4 that i had to sell b/c, guess why, yea i was moving here and didnt want the snow/salt to kill my baby.
well right now i own a 92 accord 4/dr, getting headers ,down pipes, cat, and muffler , this coming thursday, and a SRI on the way.
i can do almost any type of bolt on job, but i want to be good doing sh!! like that crazy focus (focusinprogress).
i know only 1 person from this forum, i work with him, but am here mostly to learn, and am a/v if any one needs a working hand.
you guyz can call me unik-1 or amd
FOR THE LAST TIME ITS A 4CYL INDER = ONE HEADER. JUST ONE!!!. sorry about the rant it bothers me a little welcome anyways i dont mean to steer u away from this forum i justhave issues
shoulda kept the C4 AND gotten the accord … winter storage isn’t that expensive. i don’t knwo if you’ll ever be happy with the accord over the C4 but hey enjoy
hey guys, well i see some of you got real issues, and i can see that you guys take mistakes a LIL to far,:whip: but’s kool.\
i really miss my c4, i don’t really like 4 dr but it would be nice to see how far i can take this accord. I’s a lil old 92, but am planning to do many mods, but am really thinking of getting a s2000.:beer2:
any s2000’s here??
get an s2k, they are pretty hot. daddie (mod) has one, as does funkylemons, who may be banned… there are others too… and don’t take anything I or anyone else, for that matter, says on here…