New Indoor GoCart Track in Amherst

I want!!

It’s got grips yo!!1 . Not th e"polished" corners of some indoor tracks.

I’m sure the guy will give everyone the same deal for the opening week.

$40 gives you the membership. He said one race, hoed and hummed and got two 8 minute heats, and I told them to throw in the head sock too.

What was your username, there are three that could be you ( “zoomer”, “c”, and “3” ( I doubt that you are “russell” or “banging bob” )) ?

None of them are 24.001, but give or take, one of them is the track record.

25.280 here, I suck at the karts.

what are the hours?

If you stop by they are posted on the door… :stuck_out_tongue:

let me know when you want to be:whip: and then i will look at the door.


I’m checking it out around 5:15 today after work. Anyone interested?

I might go around 6 ish, can’t get down there till a bit later.

I’m sure we’ll still be there. Looks like we’ll have a little group showing up tonight.


idk. i didnt give them one. when i pulled in they were all out in the parking lot and i pulled up in the speed. so c, zoomer, or 3 would work. lol

I just got back… This place is AWESOME. I just went to check it out and the owner gave my buddy and I free test sessions… It was incredible.

I will definitely be back this week.

We should get a leage going. The owner is open to anything and an NYSpeed leage could be cool.

Took my kids this evening and met up with CamaroJoe and did a few sessions. Was a good time. My arms were a little sore by the end. My kids rode some mini karts that were almost as fast as the bigger ones. Little pricey but fun.

it was a awesome time me and chris 05orangess went we had a good time. i will def be going back this weekend. rich i will be calling u

Was a good time. We were there before the rush so we had the whole track. Nice setup. We’ll be back :tup:

Went around 7pm. got a special deal for $100 :slight_smile:

i went out twice… both were with a few people so I couldn’t really get some solid laps in…
I ran a 24.5 and my buddy ran a 24.0
The fastest laptime is scott who works there…he ran like a 23.7

I plan on going broke there! so much fun! My name was “vase” and my friends name was “rhyno”
He set the 2nd fastest of the day, and I was 3rd fastest of the day.

I also think we should start a sticky including our fastest lap (with proof) and racer name.

I’m definitely heading up next weekend!

Fat me + go kart = slow time

Yeah im sure weight of the driver has to do alot with those low lap times.