new local domestic tuner

if you want people to realize and change their opinions towards redline, this thread needs to stay open to clear the dead air.

also, what do you mean by when He gets pissed off, “your done”? Is that some type of threat? Im not sure how to take the way you worded that…

people are going to love, and hate redline. Its the way it is, with any shop. People are just going to need to deal with it. Its going to take more then redline nut swingers (<<see how I used that properly) to show us he appreciates the lower level domestic guys. Not everyone has 50k in their bank accounts to dump into their C6’s in go fast parts…and sadly, thats all he wants to touch. Its not a big deal, but 99.9% of this site, owns cars he wont dirty his hands for, so, we will go to other places.