new local domestic tuner

John, you should know by now that we cannot discuss another local domestic tuner on this site without it turning into a redline nut swinging contest.

88slowmarro. I do not mind that you are pushing other people. I am sure he is a decent guy. I posted a reply because your information was wrong. I am sure he will be a good alternative for some people. But there is hardly three sides to a story. I know who I use and that is that. I would have thought my first post was pretty clear. I have been polite and explained the deal.I would sure hope others would be respectful like I have been. By the way a customer of mine called me. You say in one post that I am pulling out with redline then another you say he is already doing work for me? I am confused. Again I will say we have never met. But I do have a call into him we will see if he calls me.

i know ,

im glad you approve what i think , now i can sleep at night .like i said in the first post this is what i was told

At this point. I will exit. I will not go back and forth. I have been polite. And I have set the record straight. I have met many people from this forum on the streets that were nice. I will keep it that way.


posted in hurrrr for ya

im not the one keepin it goin man .like i said i never wanted it to become a redline vs the world thread . im not tryin to piss in anyones weaties or anything like i said i heard , thanks for clearin it up no can we fuckin forget about redline holy fuck . besides anthony used to work or be friends with howard but suttin happens thats all i know .

Holy sentence structure batman.

maverick i still dont see why ya made a user name to say this . im glad ya finally got a deal that works for ya , i know it took ya 2 dealerships to do it in as we all know it failed at salsbury. the whole neading clearin up didnt need to happen .

Cause somebody was lieing about doing business with a division of a company that he runs. I know that if somebody said they were doing business with me and they were not I would like to let customers know.

yeah , buttttt 98% of this forum isnt doin buisness with red so who cares

Its just a good idea for him to set the record straight, google is a bitch. Somebody interested in RLMS or a Denoyer performance division car come across this thread it could be a deal breaker. Despite popular belief not all press is good press. Neither of you are acting inappropriatly its just a matter of perspective.

But this thread is about the new guy in town so itd probably be a good idea to get this back on track. Maybe contact him and see if he’d be interested in posting about his shop on Shift? Itd be a good way for him to get his name out there and let the consumers know what services he is offering.

i told him to . he knows of shift and so on

fuckin GM guys

ya know what , im just gonna say it . maverick you are a car dealer , and so on and im glad ya found a niche that ya can say you built . but lets face it if any dealer found a place that can do the same or more that another can, your gonna bring it there . maybe not admit it so ya dont lose what got ya there but ya may . granted im not sayin thats what ya did or are doin buttt the option is there. i dont know either of you that well . from what i hear about anthony he knows his shit and can back it up , you ive heard things about you, from x-coworkers but nuttin terrible . this whole thing bothers me for some reason and i hate it cause ,i really dont give a fuck but it is .

Slowmarro. I just have to respond to a few of the statements you have made. Like you state we have never met. I joined and posted because you started a link that was not correct that simple. You also have stated that this failed at Salisbury. You have also made statements about things that I would do because I am a car dealer. Lets get a few things straight. Salisbury was the third largest dealer in the area and we were taken out by GM when they went through there corporate downsizing. (1200 dealers were closed across the country) It was tough for all the Employees and Staff and modified cars had nothing to do with it.

The DeNooyers have put alot into this project and I would not leave them to do this with someone else. I was offered to do this with a few local dealers when Salisbury Closed and I wanted to go to DeNooyer.
I thought my post would be simple and state the facts. Sounds to me like someone gave you the wrong information. I just tried clearing the air. Nothing personal.
Lets leave it at that and move on. I have no issue with you and I would like to keep it that way.


I can tell you first hand that the Denooyer deal that Redline has is only 25% of there overall business. We where down there last week and the shop has cars from all over the East Coast from as far as FLA. There obviously doing something right. The fact that they shifted away from L98/LT1 cars was a business move and not to fuck people. I highly doubt that Howard has told anyone to piss off with a earlier generation car as the last car show we where at he was approached by a few people that had asked. I happened to be there when they came by and his response was basically unfortunately we have shifted gears into the newer power plants and he had even given a couple phone numbers to people he recommended.

A little secret…he has the software and has tuned them. As long as you guys keep bashing the guy you’ll never get anything from them. You guys keep nut swing him but you don’t even know the guy! He is very knowledgeable and bends over backwards for people that don’t give him shit. Personally I’ve seen the guy get hot and takes a lot. But when he does your done.

Competition is good but non of the people on this site have enough first hand experience with any of the domestic scene to rant reviews. Let them prove there capabilities. Redline has made big strides in the last few years so why keep bashing them. There deal with DeNooyer, I know they have something going on with GM Performance Parts and they are in national magazines every month. We should be proud that someone local is putting smallbany on the map.

You import guys think that Redline hates you? Thats BS They just don’t service those cars. Some of Howards buddies have some sick imports that would bury many of the street guys here and Howard has tuned them. Wait till his GTR shows up…

I think Carlton has straightened this out and the thread should be locked…

ok firstly when i called to have my c5 z06 modified i was brushed off to the side like i was asking about electric superchargers. this pissed me off. the fact that i was treated like a piss poor camaro owner has tainted my thoughts of their business to this day. no offense f-body owners

secondly, “NUT SWINGING” is when u follow someone’s work or just are so envious of them u appear to be swinging off there nuts. you used it wrong.

and thirdly, by stating that when Howard gets mad “your done” is such a typical Redline nutswinger thing to say. this is partially the reason Redline gets the bad rap on this forum and in the capital region.

if you want people to realize and change their opinions towards redline, this thread needs to stay open to clear the dead air.

also, what do you mean by when He gets pissed off, “your done”? Is that some type of threat? Im not sure how to take the way you worded that…

people are going to love, and hate redline. Its the way it is, with any shop. People are just going to need to deal with it. Its going to take more then redline nut swingers (<<see how I used that properly) to show us he appreciates the lower level domestic guys. Not everyone has 50k in their bank accounts to dump into their C6’s in go fast parts…and sadly, thats all he wants to touch. Its not a big deal, but 99.9% of this site, owns cars he wont dirty his hands for, so, we will go to other places.

This tread makes my head hurt. Question to Maverick. Whats the deal with the “warranty” on the red line cars? The way I heard it is that the vins on those cars are “red flagged” so the owner can only go back to you for work? How does that work if someone buys and lives across the country?

(Agian just a question. No need to take this out of hand.)